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Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2016 8:42 pm
by DemonFiren

Bottom post of the previous page:

This makes the beatstick nice.
Remember when dets had teles?


Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2016 8:55 pm
by Saegrimr
DemonFiren wrote:This makes the beatstick nice.
Remember when dets had teles?
Wasn't that the police baton you can find at the derelict?
Speaking of, that motherfucker is amazing.


Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2016 9:45 pm
by PKPenguin321
Davidchan wrote:
cocothegogo wrote:I think the problem is the fact it's infinite, give heads stun batons
This. A telebaton is infinite stun, never requires recharge or replacement. Literally every other stun item in the game has a set limit to how many stuns it can dish out in a given period. Further more it's possible to pre-emptively deplete flashes, tasers and stun batons with EMP/Ion shots. Nothing stops the beatstick.
To reiterate my last post:

The strength of the telebaton itself is not why the OP is proposing to remove them. Please reread the OP.


Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2016 5:31 am
by Drynwyn
Kor wrote:
Cik wrote:it's actually kind of startling how much resulted from one PR

was there even a good reason to nerf them in the first place?

hadn't they been a thing forever before that with no complaints?
A half hearted stab at removing stuns while leaving in other stuns. Unfinished work, much like the rest of our codebase.

Also the real unintended spiral of powercreep and then removal was lowering human runspeed, which made secborgs as fast as humans.
sooner or later it all comes back to HG


Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2016 9:44 am
by Arianya

Sorry Saeg, I know thats not what this thread is about but jeez.

Anyway, I still argue that the re-invigorated flash should be introduced to greater novelty through ways other then removal of telebatons.


Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2016 11:36 am
by Screemonster
I'll admit that using them as a ghetto-EMP to knock cameras out temporarily would be pretty neat, but they need some purpose other than countering silicons for regular, non-antag crew if you want people to bother carrying them, otherwise it just becomes "this person has a flash, they must be a headrev or a tator looking to counter the AI".


Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2016 4:53 pm
by Anonmare
You can use a laser pointer to EMP cameras, it shouldn't be too hard to give the same functionality to flashes.

Flashes need an AoE confuse when used in-hand and make people drop whatever they're holding if they're directly flashed and stay still for a moment, in addition to being flashed.



Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2016 1:41 am
by Ezel
Just give the heads a stun flash and a can of pepperspray :^)


Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2016 3:34 pm
by Jzoid
If you keep Telebatons in though, give them a 20% chance of not working or snapping in half to prevent the endless cycle of being knocked down. They're stronger than fucking stun batons.

But I'm all in for removing telebatons and re-adding flashes.


Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2016 9:51 pm
by Bombadil
Infintie stun: ALways works can chain stun forever gg no re


Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2016 11:23 pm
by Anonmare
I've handled a real telebaton and the way they work is that you hit someone's muscles so hard they fall asleep. You could just make it like a 10%-20% chance to miss on a downed target to avoid infini-stuns


Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2017 9:23 pm
by Cw3040
Anonmare wrote:I've handled a real telebaton and the way they work is that you hit someone's muscles so hard they fall asleep. You could just make it like a 10%-20% chance to miss on a downed target to avoid infini-stuns
So what you're implying from the Empirical part of the post is that telebatons should be short-range holodamage?


Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2017 10:27 pm
by Anonmare
If you wanted to be realistic, then I suppose so - though you have to make allowances for fun over realism. In real life, a proper telebaton can cave someone's skull in if you're not careful and the friction-lock it has means it has to be pushed against solid concrete to be made to retract. I'm presuming the Heads of Staff have a flimsier version since it can be retracted by hand.


Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2017 11:03 pm
by DemonFiren
Tell me, what isn't fun about caving people's skulls in?


Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2017 1:55 am
by Armhulen
hi lifeweb


Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2017 3:19 am
by Doctor Pork
Anonmare wrote:If you wanted to be realistic, then I suppose so - though you have to make allowances for fun over realism. In real life, a proper telebaton can cave someone's skull in if you're not careful and the friction-lock it has means it has to be pushed against solid concrete to be made to retract. I'm presuming the Heads of Staff have a flimsier version since it can be retracted by hand.
i always assumed that the heads had fancy pants spacebatons that had a button or some shit


Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2017 11:11 am
by Ezel
Energy batons when


Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2017 9:01 am
by Doctor Pork
Ezel wrote:Energy batons when


Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2017 12:16 am
by FantasticFwoosh
Cheerleader batons when.


Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2017 3:57 pm
by Bombadil
Infinite stuns are awesome


Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2017 4:40 pm
by Armhulen
Good necro my friend. is someone actually going to do this or are we going to spend all day agreeing with each other until this thread dies again


Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2017 4:40 pm
by Armhulen
Good necro my friend. is someone actually going to do this or are we going to spend all day agreeing with each other until this thread dies again


Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2017 5:43 pm
by cedarbridge
Saegrimr wrote:
DemonFiren wrote:This makes the beatstick nice.
Remember when dets had teles?
Wasn't that the police baton you can find at the derelict?
Speaking of, that motherfucker is amazing.
Detective gets that at roundstart IIRC Before it was just the best telesci loot short of the NASA suits


Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2017 12:03 pm
by Sweaterkittens
I think since the general consensus is that this is a good idea, the next step is figuring out exactly how to implement it. Flashes are, as has been pointed out, kind of shit right now. Is the logical first step buffing them against people and replacing telebatons with them? Or nerfing telebatons so you can't chain-stun, encouraging people to take flashes? What's a good first step towards making this happen?


Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2017 12:14 pm
by lzimann
Give heads a 2 shot tasers(or one shot) instead of an infinite telebaton(or just go with old flashes i guess)


Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2017 12:17 pm
by Arianya
"general consensus"

Telebatons can only chainstun on one person, and even then theres a margin for error that can easily result in someone slipping away, not to mention that you can't really do anything else with it.

My very real concern is that the loss of telebatons (even with concurrent flash buffs) is that the RD, CE and CMO will become even more squishy robust bait then they already are, being department heads issued with no self defense weapons other then the telebaton (or flash).

Additionally, flashes currently have a RNG chance to burn out, and will burn out on being EMP'd, making them very, very temporary self defence measures.

As noted by the original OP of this thread, multiple times, the point isn't
Telebaton op plz remove
Flashes aren't being carried because they are near useless, even as self defence weapons, causing rogue borgs to be seen as more potent then they should be
The best step to feeling out the balance implications of this is to first buff the flash, preferably (as noted by others) with non-antisilicon applications, so that we can see where the balance lies that encourages heads to carry around the flash with them.

Leave the telebaton alone, atleast until there is a clear issue with flash + telebaton being a dangerous combination for game balance.

In so far as suggested flash buffs, Saeg suggested:
give [flashes] the stun back
Which may help them be useful. Possibly a buff to the area blind could also be in order? Something like "if you're blinded by a radial flash you're at risk of headbutting a wall if you're running around wildly"? (Apologies to whoever I stole this idea from)


Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2017 5:20 pm
by Davidchan
It would be logical to give back stuns to flashes. But of course the anti-silicon community will fight that because that would mean borgs get a stun back. And god forbid we undo any of the damage hg did.


Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2017 11:22 pm
by cedarbridge
While we're at it, lets look at rolling back the "hurr secborgs op" flash buffs against borgs.


Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2017 2:36 am
by Armhulen
While we're at it, lets look at rolling back the "hurr secborgs op" secborg removal against borgs.


Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2017 2:38 am
by Bombadil
Compromise: Give Heads special Flashes only they get.

If used too quikcly they break


Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2017 5:03 pm
by Saegrimr


Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2017 5:34 pm
by bandit
Arianya wrote:My very real concern is that the loss of telebatons (even with concurrent flash buffs) is that the RD, CE and CMO will become even more squishy robust bait then they already are, being department heads issued with no self defense weapons other then the telebaton (or flash).
They're supposed to be. They're doctors, engineers and nerdy scientists, not the Terminator. There's an entire department that exists to make up for this.


Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2017 5:55 pm
by Davidchan
CMO gets his hypo, access to chemistry plus what ever virology and genetics can cook up.

CE is almost always walking about in a suit of armor as is, and almost always has stunprod parts available. It's uncommon for engineers to go out of line but given the current state of engineering its even more uncommon for the CE to ever be anywhere near his department.

RD has a metric fuckton of shit in science to make use and pretty much always has first dibs on the best toys.

All of the heads also have basic security access allowing them to run and hide in security if shit goes south, as well putting them in a prime position to beg the Warden/HoS for a taser or actual gun if their department is being too unruly for a flash to handle.


Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2017 6:24 pm
by TheNightingale
If the CMO fills her hypospray with neurotoxin, that means it's less convenient to use as medicine (you have to mess around with changing the chemicals); and the CE making a stunprod at roundstart is just powergamey as hell. The RD's teleport armour is decent enough, but it's not exactly something you can use for nefarious purposes, or even to stop someone being an ass.


Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2017 6:35 pm
by Davidchan
Unless you're filling it with omnizine the current goofchem doens't give well with hypo med. Styp/Silv/Synth are all touch only meaning brute/burn, aka the most common damage types are out, sleepers are infinite sulb and epi by default so crit care is out, leaving us with charcoal which is best inserted in +20u pills as is so your hypo doesn't help there either.

The only legitimate reason to even have the telebaton around anymore is because most security are too busy chasing valids that they don't care about department squables that don't justify using lethal force.


Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2017 8:05 pm
by Arianya
Any non-antag CMO would be pretty sketchy filling their hypo with killtoxins, the CE's hardsuit is (I believe) the worst out of all hardsuits for brute protection, the RDs teleport armour is as likely to kill you as help you.

And saying "but they can get power later in the round" is meaningless. We're talking about roundstart items here, which in the situations where heads are most at risk (rev, gangs, sometimes cults), they will generally be picked off early in the round, not with enough forenotice to get armed up in anything less then extreme metagame mode.


Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2017 8:19 pm
by cedarbridge
Arianya wrote:Any non-antag CMO would be pretty sketchy filling their hypo with killtoxins, the CE's hardsuit is (I believe) the worst out of all hardsuits for brute protection, the RDs teleport armour is as likely to kill you as help you.

And saying "but they can get power later in the round" is meaningless. We're talking about roundstart items here, which in the situations where heads are most at risk (rev, gangs, sometimes cults), they will generally be picked off early in the round, not with enough forenotice to get armed up in anything less then extreme metagame mode.
Who needs killtoxins when Beepsky is so easy to get? Puts the unwanted guest/assailant/stubborn patient down instantly with one zap from the hypo and causes no damage. Better than the baton, even.

As to the issue of getting rushed, that's just the nature of the mode. Heads of Science and Medical (and sometimes engineering) get rushed early on because they're not combat oriented roles. Naturally, /tg/ culture has managed to warp every role into a pseudo-warrior role, but lets be honest. CMO is the head of ERP and the RD is a nerd in a turtleneck. Neither are really meant to be equipped to fight a one-man war against the tide.


Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2017 8:31 pm
by Arianya
cedarbridge wrote:
Arianya wrote:Any non-antag CMO would be pretty sketchy filling their hypo with killtoxins, the CE's hardsuit is (I believe) the worst out of all hardsuits for brute protection, the RDs teleport armour is as likely to kill you as help you.

And saying "but they can get power later in the round" is meaningless. We're talking about roundstart items here, which in the situations where heads are most at risk (rev, gangs, sometimes cults), they will generally be picked off early in the round, not with enough forenotice to get armed up in anything less then extreme metagame mode.
As to the issue of getting rushed, that's just the nature of the mode. Heads of Science and Medical (and sometimes engineering) get rushed early on because they're not combat oriented roles. Naturally, /tg/ culture has managed to warp every role into a pseudo-warrior role, but lets be honest. CMO is the head of ERP and the RD is a nerd in a turtleneck. Neither are really meant to be equipped to fight a one-man war against the tide.
Agreed, and this would be a solid argument against giving them more weaponry, but it doesn't justify taking away telebatons.


Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2017 8:37 pm
by Saegrimr
Arianya wrote:Agreed, and this would be a solid argument against giving them more weaponry
You mean like a flash? That used to serve the purpose of telebatons before it got removed and given to the telebaton for still unknown reasons other than "yeah sure"?


Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2017 10:22 pm
by Arianya
Saegrimr wrote:
Arianya wrote:Agreed, and this would be a solid argument against giving them more weaponry
You mean like a flash? That used to serve the purpose of telebatons before it got removed and given to the telebaton for still unknown reasons other than "yeah sure"?
Sunglasses/welding helmets/etc are some of the easiest protection items to find (sunglasses spawn in maint ffs) and the flash's area activate is a joke.

As noted previously, if we want to buff the flash and see how things shake out with both flash and telebaton, then fine, we can remove or nerf the telebaton when its clear that it, in conjunction with flash, it has become a too much power for the heads, but I'm heavily opposed to dropping the telebaton entirely in favour of the flash because "its okay, we'll buff it!" while the heads mentioned earlier get shanked even harder because they now have a gimp flash that'll break on them at random and no telebaton.

I myself have suggested flash buffs (okay, I stole them from someone else but still), but at this point the thread seems to have deviated from "make flashes relevant again" to "FUCK THE TELEBATON GET IT OUT OUT OUT", despite your assurances otherwise.

Most of these posts are about how the telebaton should be removed as opposed to how to get the flash back to being a useful piece of kit.


Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2017 6:27 am
by Haevacht
Davidchan wrote:Unless you're filling it with omnizine the current goofchem doens't give well with hypo med. Styp/Silv/Synth are all touch only meaning brute/burn, aka the most common damage types are out, sleepers are infinite sulb and epi by default so crit care is out, leaving us with charcoal which is best inserted in +20u pills as is so your hypo doesn't help there either.

The only legitimate reason to even have the telebaton around anymore is because most security are too busy chasing valids that they don't care about department squables that don't justify using lethal force.
Tricord exists. Add some epinepherene to it and bam, mix that will stabilise and potentially fix people without ever visiting medbay.

If you want every type of healing while portable, get an Odysseus. Or medigun.


Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2017 3:29 pm
by Cw3040
Haevacht wrote:
Davidchan wrote:Unless you're filling it with omnizine the current goofchem doens't give well with hypo med. Styp/Silv/Synth are all touch only meaning brute/burn, aka the most common damage types are out, sleepers are infinite sulb and epi by default so crit care is out, leaving us with charcoal which is best inserted in +20u pills as is so your hypo doesn't help there either.

The only legitimate reason to even have the telebaton around anymore is because most security are too busy chasing valids that they don't care about department squables that don't justify using lethal force.
Tricord exists. Add some epinepherene to it and bam, mix that will stabilise and potentially fix people without ever visiting medbay.

If you want every type of healing while portable, get an Odysseus. Or medigun.
You forgot a rapid syringe gun with syringes that have 10u tricord 5u epinephrine. No wait no you didn't.

Still a valid point though. Nearly everyone east of the Bridge on Box has some way of healing people (Librarian is the exception).


Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2017 2:37 am
by Weepo
Ok so the impression I'm getting is 'print an advanced egun asap' because now I'm relying on a camera flash to protect R&D from the entire station.


Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2017 1:20 pm
by Cw3040
Weepo wrote:Ok so the impression I'm getting is 'print an advanced egun asap' because now I'm relying on a camera flash to protect R&D from the entire station.
>He doesn't already bumrush adv egun
Get a load of this guy.


Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2017 2:00 pm
by ShadowDimentio
>Advanced egun
>Not the syringe gun

Doesn't even require mats or a firing pin, it's great. 15U syringes of unstable mutagen can be mass produced easy and will fuck up people with a single shot.


Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2017 2:29 pm
by Cw3040
ShadowDimentio wrote:>Advanced egun
>Not the syringe gun

Doesn't even require mats or a firing pin, it's great. 15U syringes of unstable mutagen can be mass produced easy and will fuck up people with a single shot.
Only the rapid syringer is worth getting, and at that point get bluespace syringes for it and you have magical deathspikes.


Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2017 4:22 pm
by cedarbridge
ShadowDimentio wrote:15U syringes of unstable mutagen
top pleb


Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2017 7:39 pm
by WarbossLincoln
I think Saeg's right about the flash nerf being what fucked borgs. It wouldn't be bad to go back to the old stun flash and get rid of infinite stun lock batons on the heads. I can't remember how many times as a sec borg I got fucked because 1/3 of the station carried flashes.


Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2017 12:37 am
by ShadowDimentio
cedarbridge wrote:
ShadowDimentio wrote:15U syringes of unstable mutagen
top pleb
I can mass produce my deathsyringes with minimal equipment and time. While you're assembling your turbofuck deathstuns, I'll have already run up and shot you up with 90U of mutagenic death.


Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2017 1:56 am
by DemonFiren
except beepsky takes, like, no time at all


Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2017 2:04 am
by cedarbridge
DemonFiren wrote:except beepsky takes, like, no time at all
Neurotoxin takes roughly 2 seconds if the bartender isn't a moron and knows how to push the buttons on his drink mixer. Neurotoxin takes one click after that. Apply syringe/hypo. Win the game. You're never going to kill somebody straight out with a syringe of mutagen.