Admin Assistant: Valid Confirmer

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Admin Assistant: Valid Confirmer

Post by Swavementa » #686032

This is a very simple and straightforward suggestion that is literally going to

1. Help admins/mods/janitors/rats by greatly reducing their workload
2. Is extremely easy to implement and doesn't involve sophisticated logic
3. Will reduce the general amount of salt people new to the community will experience, especially new to space station 13

Here is how this works. If a player attacks or pushes another player, they get an antag check. If they aren't antag, that player then gets a "nuance" status. If a player pushes another player, their nuance status is level 1. If the player attacked another player, their nuance status is level 2. For every level of nuance, the player must distance themselves 10 spaces from the player in question that they attacked. If that player successfully distances themselves based on the action taken, they lose their nuance level. If a player joins in the fun after another player had attacked the player in question, they don't gain a nuance level unless the other player loses their nuance level. If a player goes into critical status and the player in question that they're trying to report doesn't have a nuance level, the player can press a button called "is it valid?". If there is no nuance against a player, it will return "yes". If there is a nuance against a player, it will return "no".

This will cut down the work admins, moderators, staff in general have to do and save a lot of people their emotions that probably make them hate playing this game more than love it.

EDIT: Can you guys also allow ghosts to join the game? It's kinda odd a dead persons ghost is allowed to roam around and go back to their body while an observing player can't despite having preview to the same issues going on onboard the station.
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Re: Admin Assistant: Valid Confirmer

Post by iain0 » #686092

The broad concept of the game trying to infer and summarise conflict related information is interesting.

That said, the above system largely seems to be an instigator check, which isn't something that's usually too hard to pick up from the logs, not that it wouldn't be a tiny QOL if it could reference/link that for us.

I wouldn't really want it reporting back to the player without a good analysis of the metagaming options here, seems like it fairly easily outs antags if you know its mechanics and know what result it "should" be giving were they not antag.

Also not really a fan of giving the player a firm answer anyway ; this logic is not foolproof and the above logic declaring something valid doesn't mean it is, e.g., i syringe gun you with initropidril and then either disposals you or just book it at high speed out of the 20 tile range to reset my nuance. Obviously you could patch this specific case with timers or flags that persist and damage source tracking and lots of stuff that doesn't really exist in existing logging infrastructure, but likely cold hard logic will still be missing complex emergent options. In the same way that pacification doesn't really make you harmless.

So, maybe there's room for tools to give some hints to admins where to go looking for things, or better presentation of log data to admins, but it probably shouldn't go beyond that.
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Re: Admin Assistant: Valid Confirmer

Post by Mothblocks » #686103

this has been proposed before and the answer is the same, absolutely not
Shaps-cloud wrote: Mon Dec 07, 2020 7:59 am May eventually become one of the illusive maintainer-headmins if they choose to pursue that path, having a coder in the senior admin leadership has usually been positive for both sides in the past.
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