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What are the rules on player controlled slimes/aliens?

Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2015 5:15 am
by onleavedontatme
Someone adminhelped today saying they'd been killed 4noraisans as a grey slime. I realized I was not up to date on whatever the rule for that is.

What are the rules on player controlled xenobio creations? What should they be?

Being murdered for literally no reason sucks, but treating monsters roaming the hall as normal players seems odd as well.

Re: What are the rules on player controlled slimes/aliens?

Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2015 5:36 am
by Ikarrus
Rules already sort of have a stipulation for this
Nonhuman player-controlled mobs (slimes, monkeys, slimepeople, lizardpeople, hulks, etc.) are subject to server rules but are not considered human.
That said, I think it's pretty shit to slime yourself intentionally just so you could murderbone people.

If you were unwillingly transformed by a wizard or whatever then I say go for it --act like a slime.

Re: What are the rules on player controlled slimes/aliens?

Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2015 5:56 am
by Falamazeer
Honestly I never knew any kind of rule for this either, just kinda considered it a grey area, If I didn't have a good reason to murder them, I didn't, and I dunno what's up with them murdering me, as some of them seem fine with latching onto peoples. so I just keep my distance.

I think xenobio is for lameasses, as I've never seen a single beneficial thing from it actually benefit anyone who wasn't the xenobiologist themselves.

Re: What are the rules on player controlled slimes/aliens?

Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2015 6:20 am
by mrpain
I think its fair to assume antag status if slimed or aliened against your will, I do not think its fair to do it if you are slimed willingly.

Re: What are the rules on player controlled slimes/aliens?

Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2015 6:42 am
by Falamazeer
Another connected point, monkeys, I hold geneticists who allow monkey gangs to rampage by providing the syringes fully responsible for their actions, and have no intention to stop, whether they monkeyed willing people or not, they are responsible for those players running around being dicks, which eight times out of ten they are. Not to say I'd be after anyone at all if the monkeys behaved. Monkeying a willing guy isn't a crime in and of itself. but a gang of monkeys becomes a crisis quickly enough.

The same would in my mind apply to xeno bios, but I haven't had the problem yet, as I'm not intimately familiar with the system, I would assume this is because it's not as easy.

Re: What are the rules on player controlled slimes/aliens?

Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2015 7:00 am
by imblyings
Xenobio mobs have to follow the orders of the person who gave them sentience, although many tell their creations to go free. Don't do something your creator didn't tell you to do, don't cause any trouble for your creator either, as the flavour text says you're incredibly indebted/grateful to the guy.

Polymorphed mobs are on a two-way valid street as far as I've been answering in ahelps. You can do whatever you want but you'll most likely get lynched if you be shit.

Slimes made from people sliming themselves should be subject to server rules, like mentioned, we don't want to give people a way in game to get antag licenses.

Re: What are the rules on player controlled slimes/aliens?

Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2015 11:00 am
by Saegrimr
Giving slimes/monkeys pseudo-antag status means there will be people attempting to do so every round just to get their valids, rather than avoid being turned into a monster because it means you're likely to get valided into the ground (with good reason too, slimes will fuck you up).

Re: What are the rules on player controlled slimes/aliens?

Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2015 2:33 pm
by Incomptinence
For polymorphed players it makes sense for them to be valid and to act like an antag otherwise the staff basically gave them superpowers at near no detriment to the crew as a hole.

Unless you successfully apply their specific water/cold weakness which a player can consciously avoid slimes are extremely durable regenerating death machines and aliens well every knows their kinks. It would be like the wizard summoning chest tribbles and bizzarro aquaman to wreck his own shit exclusively.

Re: What are the rules on player controlled slimes/aliens?

Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2015 6:02 pm
by rdght91
The one and only time I've felt something should be done about it was during a polymorph wiz round where (as detective) a guy disarmed me during the dogpile on wizard fray, stole my gun, and instead decided to empty my gun into a monkey-person that was actively helping us, allowing the wizard to get away. Non-human mobs should be like 99% valid and a two way street, as I'd say 90% of players will play along with a friendly slime anyway. Even in the above extreme situation, I think at worst it only warrants a warning and note unless they continually go out of their way in situations where it makes absolute no sense to do so. There should also be an understanding that if you do that kind of shit (instigate and kill sentient pets/morphed crew members), crew members that liked said pet should be able to wreck your shit without being boinked. I feel like it should all be left to IC justice- violent and obnoxious slimes tend to get killed while validhunting crew members that target friendly slimes and sentient pets should be valid themselves. It's not ALWAYS going to be fair, but that's SS13 and I think it goes along with the new trend to less rules.

Re: What are the rules on player controlled slimes/aliens?

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2015 4:06 am
by Jeb
re: sentient slimes a shit

can we just make it so that if they're sentient via a potion (ie: not wizarding) they don't have the option to feed/split?

Re: What are the rules on player controlled slimes/aliens?

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2015 5:16 am
by Incomptinence
Too crippling remember antags could use the potion on themselves too. They slowly die if they can't feed like regular slimes.

Re: What are the rules on player controlled slimes/aliens?

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2015 5:22 am
by Incoming
Jeb wrote:re: sentient slimes a shit

can we just make it so that if they're sentient via a potion (ie: not wizarding) they don't have the option to feed/split?
We already have it, using the docility potion (normal pink slime) removes eating/splitting/the nutrition mechanic.

No one uses it.

Re: What are the rules on player controlled slimes/aliens?

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2015 5:31 am
by Jeb
Incoming wrote:
Jeb wrote:re: sentient slimes a shit

can we just make it so that if they're sentient via a potion (ie: not wizarding) they don't have the option to feed/split?
We already have it, using the docility potion (normal pink slime) removes eating/splitting/the nutrition mechanic.

No one uses it.
Merge them then?

Re: What are the rules on player controlled slimes/aliens?

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2015 7:30 am
by Takeguru
If this was the round I'm thinking of, there were reports of slimes attacking people on the radio so I was under the impression EVERY slime was hostile, not to mention there were loads of baby slimes because player slimes were splitting.

If you're a slime and don't want to get smacked, stick to science, even better, stick to xenobio.

Re: What are the rules on player controlled slimes/aliens?

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2015 7:31 am
by Scones
Slimes are so robust. Player slimes are even scarier.

Re: What are the rules on player controlled slimes/aliens?

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2015 8:17 am
by Stickymayhem
If you get turned into a slime by someone or something else feel free to murderbone.

Basically you can always Kill people as a slime unless you're a pet or you slimed yourself. We used to have an issue with people sliming themselves just to kill everyone and it was lame.

Re: What are the rules on player controlled slimes/aliens?

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2015 8:28 am
by onleavedontatme
Stickymayhem wrote:If you get turned into a slime by someone or something else feel free to murderbone.

Basically you can always Kill people as a slime unless you're a pet or you slimed yourself. We used to have an issue with people sliming themselves just to kill everyone and it was lame.
My question is the opposite.

What are you allowed to do as a human to a player controlled slime if you see it in the hall?

I don't want to hold hands too much and say you have to treat them like crew but shit like the detective killing the monkey instead of the wizard just because he could is silly.

Re: What are the rules on player controlled slimes/aliens?

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2015 8:40 am
by oranges
If it isn't human, destroy it

Re: What are the rules on player controlled slimes/aliens?

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2015 11:01 am
by callanrockslol
Jeb wrote:
Incoming wrote:
Jeb wrote:re: sentient slimes a shit

can we just make it so that if they're sentient via a potion (ie: not wizarding) they don't have the option to feed/split?
We already have it, using the docility potion (normal pink slime) removes eating/splitting/the nutrition mechanic.

No one uses it.
Merge them then?
What if I wanted a few bro player slimes to kick ass with and an army of harmless pet slimes then?

Re: What are the rules on player controlled slimes/aliens?

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2015 5:52 pm
by Incoming
Kor wrote:My question is the opposite.

What are you allowed to do as a human to a player controlled slime if you see it in the hall?

I don't want to hold hands too much and say you have to treat them like crew but shit like the detective killing the monkey instead of the wizard just because he could is silly.
If they've got the :3 face on trust them with your life, otherwise kill.

Re: What are the rules on player controlled slimes/aliens?

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2015 6:05 pm
by Ikarrus
Going out of your way to kill it because its player controlled is where I would draw the line. Other than that, it shouldn't be any different than any other skine you would encounter (they're fucking dangerous)

Re: What are the rules on player controlled slimes/aliens?

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2015 9:45 pm
by Stickymayhem

Murder any mob you want if it's milling around in the hallways or whatever.

Going to xenobiology/gathering of friendly mobs and beating them to death would probably not be ok.

If mobs can kill people whenever they people should be able to kill mobs whenever.

Re: What are the rules on player controlled slimes/aliens?

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2015 7:15 am
by Kelenius
Stickymayhem wrote:If mobs can kill people whenever they people should be able to kill mobs whenever.
On the countary, if people can kill people whenever, mobs should be able to kill people whenever. Which means that a xenobiologist that would slime themselves is an instant antag.

Re: What are the rules on player controlled slimes/aliens?

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2015 7:58 am
by Stickymayhem
As always there are limits because the few fuck things up.

Don't be needlessly pedantic.

Re: What are the rules on player controlled slimes/aliens?

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2015 12:05 pm
by Not-Dorsidarf
Stickymayhem wrote:Disagree.

Murder any mob you want if it's milling around in the hallways or whatever.

Going to xenobiology/gathering of friendly mobs and beating them to death would probably not be ok.

If mobs can kill people whenever they people should be able to kill mobs whenever.
But mobs cant kill people whenever that's the point. People are saying mobs SHOULD be able to slaughter people, because people KOS mobs even if they know the wizard just polymoprhed the HOS into that very mob

Re: What are the rules on player controlled slimes/aliens?

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2015 12:22 pm
by Stickymayhem
I don't know any rule like that. I've never stopped unaligned mobs killing people I've just stopped people turning themselves into unaligned mobs.

Re: What are the rules on player controlled slimes/aliens?

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2015 12:25 pm
by Screemonster
Jeb wrote:
Incoming wrote:
Jeb wrote:re: sentient slimes a shit

can we just make it so that if they're sentient via a potion (ie: not wizarding) they don't have the option to feed/split?
We already have it, using the docility potion (normal pink slime) removes eating/splitting/the nutrition mechanic.

No one uses it.
Merge them then?
Last time I tried it, docility potions deleted the slime and replaced it with a tame slime or something. However it worked it instaghosted the player who was in the original slime and replaced them with a mob.

Re: What are the rules on player controlled slimes/aliens?

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2015 12:25 pm
by Steelpoint
The best time's are when some admin lets ghosts possess in game mobs, no one expects the mega carp that helps people!


On topic, slimes are a bit iffy because from my experience in rounds where you have one player controlled slime breed out of control (I recall rounds where every 10 seconds I was getting a "DO YOU WANT TO PLAY AS GREY SLIME #1532423") then things get really crazy as half of the slimes start attacking people and the other half are doing their own thing.

However in situations where slimes are in low numbers they tend to be peaceful.

Re: What are the rules on player controlled slimes/aliens?

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2015 12:38 pm
by Malkevin
The point of the staff of change is to turn a bunch of people into antags, same as summon guns (used) to do.

Just making the ruling that player controlled mobs can kill other players/mobs and that people can kill player mobs/normal mobs, but doing so makes them valid to retaliation.

So if someone goes "lol player monkey - KILLOL" and it turns out the monkey dint do nuttin wrong and was just hanging about for some skittles, then the monkey's friends can kill the guy being an asshat.
Basically the old "Ian Rule"

Alternatively apply the same logic behind the hulk rule, that is that mobs aren't insta-valid:just-add-extinguisher but if they're being dicks you can freely valid them.

Re: What are the rules on player controlled slimes/aliens?

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2015 12:14 am
by Incoming
Steelpoint wrote:The best time's are when some admin lets ghosts possess in game mobs, no one expects the mega carp that helps people!


On topic, slimes are a bit iffy because from my experience in rounds where you have one player controlled slime breed out of control (I recall rounds where every 10 seconds I was getting a "DO YOU WANT TO PLAY AS GREY SLIME #1532423") then things get really crazy as half of the slimes start attacking people and the other half are doing their own thing.

However in situations where slimes are in low numbers they tend to be peaceful.
Player slimes don't split into more player slimes, someone was using sentience potions

Re: What are the rules on player controlled slimes/aliens?

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2015 3:24 am
by Incomptinence
How about we add some notice about being disgruntled to their notes if someone else changes them. I didn't ask for this slime of the year edition.