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Lets raise the hours required to play command and sec on Mrp

Posted: Sun Dec 10, 2023 12:02 am
by Blacklist897
Recently Manuel has had a large influx of new players, many of them speedrun unlocking heads of staff, this has lead to the rank and file of a department often being more competent then heads, this is even worse with roles like Rd Ce Captain and Hos as they can accidently or deliberately ruin rounds by playing these rolls without knowledge, since bringing the hammer of Rp rule 3 and normal rule 5 onto newer players who might not fully understand the expectations of a head role is unfair, Increasing the playtime gate not only will increase the quality of heads of staff but also allow us to increase the minimum expectations of rule 5, bringing a end to the era of Qms who dont know how to do cargo and captains who leave the disk in the office, perhaps even paving the way to disabling head of staff antags (On MRP), those who attempt to get past this by joining the round and tabbing out moving only to avoid the auto disconnect will not a be an issue as they will lack the experience and will either fall foul of rule 5 or manage to function as command.

Re: Lets raise the hours required to play command and sec on Mrp

Posted: Sun Dec 10, 2023 1:03 am
by Higgin
Each of the downstream goals you talked about probably need their own policy threads and to be peeled apart here.

I don't think hourlocks being harder would be a good thing. New players shouldn't be held back from getting a chance to dive in and roll up their sleeves.

If they're malicious with it or deliberately negligent, that's another story - but better handled on a case-by-case basis and already accounted for in the rules.

Thankfully most heads are job+ by design, and you absolutely can work around them. I'd be a lot more sympathetic if this were somewhere like Bay or even Skyrat where there's more wrapped up in the authority both IC and mechanically.

Re: Lets raise the hours required to play command and sec on Mrp

Posted: Sun Dec 10, 2023 1:09 am
by Blacklist897
yeah thinking about this
its a salt post
imma close this or something

Re: Lets raise the hours required to play command and sec on Mrp

Posted: Sun Dec 10, 2023 3:43 am
by Armhulen
I mean, the quickest way to get experienced heads is if a bunch of people play and learn the roles. It sucks to get bad heads but it's a necessary evil

Re: Lets raise the hours required to play command and sec on Mrp

Posted: Sun Dec 10, 2023 1:13 pm
by dendydoom
dealing with an incompetent boss is honestly one of the most realistic aspects of the game.

i abhor people OOCly abusing head roles to abandon their post and only utilize access/tools/authority to their own ends (the dreaded p-p-p-powergaming) but i absolutely adore clueless heads who do a bad job completely innocently. they're just so cute.

Re: Lets raise the hours required to play command and sec on Mrp

Posted: Sun Dec 10, 2023 7:00 pm
by Itseasytosee2me
I think that this could be helped with more flavor text for expectations and privileges command staff.

Re: Lets raise the hours required to play command and sec on Mrp

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2023 10:53 pm
by PapaMichael
I think I agree with Dendy I think.
New players fucking things up in funny ways creates some of the most organic storytelling in this game, and I don't think I want less of that.
5. Players in vital job roles require a minimum amount of effort.

As a Head of Staff, you should be a reliable worker for your department, and are expected to perform the minimum duties of that role to the best of your ability.
I'd personally like much more enforcement for this (not even RP!!!) rule.
The non-antagonist CMO who grabs his modsuit and doesn't step foot in medbay for the rest of the shift is the shitter who should be rolebanned here.
The CMO who doesn't check a patient's dogtag and sends them into anaphylaxis (provided it wasn't on purpose)... is a GOOD thing! That's why allergies are in the game!

Re: Lets raise the hours required to play command and sec on Mrp

Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2023 3:16 am
by Constellado
Not picking up the disk as captain happens to old and new captains alike. Sometimes they just simply forget even though they know how to lead.

The real reason why they are not picking up the disk is because its UNDER the pinpointer half the time.

Why is the disk hidden by the pinpointer can we fix that?

When it comes to engineering, I remember not being that great on my first couple shifts as CE, I remember feeling a tad shit at setting up the engine because I didn't really know engineering. (mind you, it might be because I got the engi hours on atmos tech and not engineer) You need to set up the engine around 5 times by yourself I think before one can be confident. Issue is, when you are engineer, you don't always get to do that as there is usually another engi setting it up first.
I assume its the same with med. I would be happy with the timer for these jobs being raised.

Things like QM or Hop however you do not need much training to be able to it well. I started playing this game as a cargo tech then played QM as soon as I could, and it is an easy job that does not need many hours to be able to do well. I would run cargo parties in sybil. You don't need much skill for that :D

Not sure about RD I havn't played that.

I do think people in manuel do want higher quality of heads of staff overall. I dont usually see the cute and clumsy kind of new heads of staff personally, most of the time I see heads that act like know it alls when they really don't know anything and fuck something up.
Mind you, the command comms drama that can create is entertaining, even if frustrating.

Re: Lets raise the hours required to play command and sec on Mrp

Posted: Sat Dec 16, 2023 6:28 pm
by DrAmazing343
Agree a lot with Constellado on the fewer innocent than merely incompetent heads; I feel like when there's a bald head fucking it up, it's not a "Oh, I'm sorry, I had no idea!" it's somebody stomping on my fucking neck and then being fucking amazed when I pot/water someone and spray them to get them off a surgical bed they've been on for half a fucking hour.

I remember recently there was a command main that just is INCOMPETENT in medical fucked up healing a prisoner and then let their IV hole bleed all the way taking them to sec. I told them I was taking over the case, and they yelled about how they "quit," and shittalked over comms the rest of the round.

I'm happy with heads who don't know shit and know they don't shit but want to roll up their sleeves; that's my mentality! I love that because I love teaching and it's very much my mentality in the first place. What I certainly DON'T like is that second category. I think powergaming heads tend to get dealt with one way or another, as a matter of being awful players in the first place, so no need for a change there, but I feel like for some roles some sort of knowledge check is necessary and there's just no easy way to gatekeep that without some stupid whitelist that's gonna be hard as hell to maintain.

Rough times. BUT, as Dendy said, it truly is realistic to work under a shitty boss.

Re: Lets raise the hours required to play command and sec on Mrp

Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2024 12:45 am
by TheBibleMelts
i'd rather have a bumbling head of staff than the 2000 hour player verbally assaulting people for misplacing a wire. i don't think i'm personally interested in changing the role hour requirements right now.

Re: Lets raise the hours required to play command and sec on Mrp

Posted: Fri Feb 02, 2024 1:19 pm
by Fikou
We don't really want to do this
Fikou: -1
TBM: -1
Cheshify: N/A