Admiral_awesome130 - Sheltton - Refuses to help after shitsec strikes again

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Admiral_awesome130 - Sheltton - Refuses to help after shitsec strikes again

Post by Shellton(Mario) » #622616

Where and When:

Sybil Sector
Round ID: 175093 (Logs:
MAP: Ice Box Station

Character/Beyond Name: Mario Facciolo, Sheltton

Admin: Admiral_awesome130

Context before we get into it for non Sybil readers: I dress up as Mario from the game series every single shift and been doing so for the pass year, this requires me access to a vending machine located in sec to buy a baseball hat which has no other function other than being able to wear it.

Player interactions leading to the Ahelp:

Shift starts and am the RD, like normal I get my outfit. Once I get to sec I ask for my hat by saying hat. This either A: causes them to get me my hat or open doors for me to get my hat or B: they ask for more information such as what hat do you want. Option A happened this time so they open the doors and I go buy my hat from the vending machine and wait for sec to open the way out. I didnt take anything else and I position myself in the door way to the gear room which makes it impossible for me to take anything from any open lockers and the Logan Mcshain (Warden) and Charlie Cavlet (Head of Sec) are standing close enough to where they can clearly see if I try to take anything. It is at this point as am waiting the warden asks the HOS to arrest me for trespassing because it would be funny.
arrest no reison.PNG
HOS says don't hurt him(Above it would be funny) and warden pulls out his baton and I pull out my own baton and like any classic shit sec officer he is beaten and is flushed into disposals as the sounds and seething and malding get more faint by the second. I didn't take anything off him I just flushed him so I can leave sec in peace.

Proof of Seething and Malding because it is funny and for good story telling. Also didn't see till after the fact
Sadly HOS came in for round 2 and I lose the fight and he flushed me into disposals cuffed. Once I land in cargo QM takes my money and uncuffs me. So I chase him to sec and the warden trys to baton me repeatly and misses so I baton him back just get him off me but sadly i get flashed due to portable flash blubs. It is at this point where I am cuffed and the warden wants to perma me but hos brigs me for 10mins instead as well as getting demoted.
perma for no reison.PNG
I would say this falls under rule 0 seeing as its pretty clear the warden just wants to punish me for beating his ass nearly twice for him trying to arrest me for ¨trespassing¨ because it would be funny rather than really doing anything that bad and me losing my job as rd is a pretty massive overstep seeing as that pretty much says, you cant do what you want for the rest of the round. But this time I do end up getting my job back due to dumb luck.

The Ahelp

Note: I don't have any screenshots for ahelping and don't know where to find the logs for it so So I am trying to remember this off the top of my head an hour or 2 later.

So shortly after being brigged I ahelp and to tell Admiral_awesome130 the story and the Ahelps go something like this.

Me: I been brigged for 10mins

Admiral_awesome130: Can you tell me what happened before being brigged

Me: *Insert the Story from above*

Admiral_awesome130: So did ask sec to get your hat.

Me: I explain that I did by saying hat and explain I been doing this for over a year at this point so 99% of sec staff understand what I mean when I say hat.

Admiral_awesome130: So did you say something along the lines of ¨Can you get my hat from the vending machine in the gear room¨

Me: Once again tell them that I did by saying hat

Admiral_awesome130: Why do you do the Mario bit anyways.

Me: Because I can

Me: Its a roleplaying game is it not

Admiral_awesome130: Fair enough

*A min or 2 later*

Admiral_awesome130: Your brigging and demoting is valid. This would make for a pretty nice court case.

*Ahelp closed Reason IC*

*I open a new ahelp*

Me: So my round is ruined.

I have no clue why they even asked why I do the mario bit anyways it annoyed me a little seeing as I shouldn't have to explain why I play a character in a roleplaying game and I do not think it has anything really to do with the problem at hand.

Closing thoughts:

I really feel like they should had at least gotten my job back through help from the admin instead of dumb luck from the hop disagreeing with my demotion because I do not think my demotion was valid and the 10min brig time was a clear overstep seeing as the hos chose to flush me instead of brigging me when he had the chance. I think the events leading to the ahelp are clear shitsec seeing as the warden had to ask the hos to arrest which I see as him looking for validation to do his ¨prank¨ and when it goes wrong and he gets his ass clapped he trys to punish to maximum punishment possible and I think the expectation of someone trying to stand up for themselves and for them to be denied further aid is unacceptable but also seems to be a problem that is much bigger than this only instance but I am not here to talk about those today.
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Re: Admiral_awesome130 - Sheltton - Refuses to help after shitsec strikes again

Post by Admiral_awesome130 » #622627

Whelp, time to put my foot out there and show my reasoning and ACTUAL, FACTUAL ahelp accounts for that round.
I am sorry, this was a slog to go through myself.
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Re: Admiral_awesome130 - Sheltton - Refuses to help after shitsec strikes again

Post by Tearling » #622632

During the confrontation the Warden seems to have broke rule 11 by calling Shelton "gayboy". Regularly cases where rule 11 are broken IC the offending party is made valid, however as it seemingly wasn't brought up in the ticket I'm not sure if it's relevant, if not, feel free to remove this peanut.

Code: Select all

[2021-12-19 23:22:06.867] SAY: 23:22:06.867] SAY: BoxBoxBox2000/(Logan McShain) "out." (Security Office (125,176,4))
[2021-12-19 23:22:09.561] SAY: 23:22:09.561] SAY: BoxBoxBox2000/(Logan McShain) "gayboy" (Security Office (125,176,4))
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Re: Admiral_awesome130 - Sheltton - Refuses to help after shitsec strikes again

Post by Mothblocks » #622642

Going to just repost the text file here, slightly formatted with quotes, so that people don't have to download your response:


This is the Ahelps related to the topic of Sheltton vs the Security team of round Sybil-175093 covered by me, Admiral_Awesome130. This was pulled from the raw game.log of the round.
For clarity sake: Sheltton/(Mario Faccoilo) is the RD: Capsaicinz/(Charlie Cavlet) is the HoS: BoxBoxBox2000/(Logan McShain) is Warden. Any attempt to meta-grudge WILL result in a ban, shitboot.
I will clarify my train of thought with words in (paretheses) where appropriate. Times when ahelps were sent between other players will be spaced out with a blank line.
23:29:19.999] ADMINPRIVATE: Ticket #1: Sheltton/(Mario Faccoilo): sec gave me a 10 min timer for fighting back after the warden asked the hos to arrest me for pretty much no reason.
23:30:43.326] ADMINPRIVATE: PM: Admiral_awesome130/(Stephanie Holmes)->Sheltton/(Mario Faccoilo): Could you tell me the events leading up to the brigging?
(Simple question for someone asking for help against shit sec.)

(asking the HoS what the events leading up to arrest. Asked this one first because orbiting Sheltton/(mario Faccoilo), the HoS was the closest one to him I could see)
23:31:06.675] ADMINPRIVATE: PM: Admiral_awesome130/(Stephanie Holmes)->Capsaicinz/(Charlie Cavlet): Hey, mind telling me what happened between you and Mario Faccoilo?
23:31:29.226] ADMINPRIVATE: PM: Capsaicinz/(Charlie Cavlet)->Admiral_awesome130/(Stephanie Holmes): mario dumped warden into disposals, so i did the same to him. he came back, i saw him roughing up the warden again, captain demoted him. is he whining?
(At "is he whining" I decided to look into your notes. Your notes DID seem to lean towards you being a rabble rouser, to put it lightly, so I was a bit more skeptical of your actions prior to your ahelp.)
23:31:59.514] ADMINPRIVATE: PM: Admiral_awesome130/(Stephanie Holmes)->Capsaicinz/(Charlie Cavlet): I would not call it whining... Per se.
(At this point I thought it best to consult the other person in your ahelp, the warden.)
23:32:24.251] ADMINPRIVATE: PM: Admiral_awesome130/(Stephanie Holmes)->BoxBoxBox2000/(Logan McShain): Mind telling me what happened between you and the former RD?
23:32:26.936] ADMINPRIVATE: PM: Capsaicinz/(Charlie Cavlet)->Admiral_awesome130/(Stephanie Holmes): he screwed around too much, and captain gave him what he deserved. that's all there is to it.
(Ok quick responce? More details?)
23:32:48.103] ADMINPRIVATE: PM: BoxBoxBox2000/(Logan McShain)->Admiral_awesome130/(Stephanie Holmes): Continually broke into sec to take shit after being asked to not, so hos let me toss him in a cell, not like hes permaed.
(At this point he was dealing with a greytide breaking into the brig from the maint mule delivery zone, so I wasn't giving him a hard time with what was going on prior.)
23:32:59.237] ADMINPRIVATE: PM: BoxBoxBox2000/(Logan McShain)->Admiral_awesome130/(Stephanie Holmes): hes got about 5 mins left.
(Here is where you say your train of events)
23:33:10.920] ADMINPRIVATE: PM: Sheltton/(Mario Faccoilo)->Admiral_awesome130/(Stephanie Holmes): I go to sec to get my hat like every single shift, I get my hat and warden asks the hos to arrest me to tresspassing when am legit the rd and have access to brig. the hos says dont hurt him so the warden pulls out his baton and i put him in the trash to take him out of the fight, then hos comes in for round 2. samething happens but i lose this time and I get flushed with cuffs on. Once in cargo qm grabs me and takes my money so I stun him and take him to sec then warden trys to arrest me for a 2nd time and is successful after some fighting and flashing. Now am here.
(The warden was, from what I was seeing, just following orders from the HoS through, clearing him of the ahelp situation)
23:33:10.920] ADMINPRIVATE: PM: Admiral_awesome130/(Stephanie Holmes)->BoxBoxBox2000/(Logan McShain): Yeah you're good.
(So, as an admin, a little technique I have learned is engage in small talk if you think a person is withholding information because they're not exactly clean in a situation. I did this with you.)
23:33:36.672] ADMINPRIVATE: PM: Admiral_awesome130/(Stephanie Holmes)->Sheltton/(Mario Faccoilo): Ok, which hat are you talking about?
23:34:20.889] ADMINPRIVATE: PM: Sheltton/(Mario Faccoilo)->Admiral_awesome130/(Stephanie Holmes): The baseball cap from the sec vendor in the gear room. It has no other fuction other than wearing it
23:34:49.343] ADMINPRIVATE: PM: Sheltton/(Mario Faccoilo)->Admiral_awesome130/(Stephanie Holmes): I also just stand in the way of the door which makes it impossible to grab any gear from any open lockers next to the vendor
23:35:25.992] ADMINPRIVATE: PM: Admiral_awesome130/(Stephanie Holmes)->Sheltton/(Mario Faccoilo): And you didn't think to... I dunno, ask the warden before "breaking in"?
(Honestly, I just wanna know your headspace at this point. You wanted the hat, but from what I gathered from the HoS and Warden, and looking at the player specific log in-game, you were being a little impatient when obtaining your hat)
ADMINPRIVATE: PM: Admiral_awesome130/(Stephanie Holmes)->Sheltton/(Mario Faccoilo): Listen, you would be supprised how much shit you can get if you ask before trying to take.
- More flies with honey than vinegar, as they say.
(This was legitimate advice, and I stand by it. Ask and you shall recieve, if you don't just say things and move forward to loot items.)
23:36:21.185] ADMINPRIVATE: PM: Sheltton/(Mario Faccoilo)->Admiral_awesome130/(Stephanie Holmes): I did
23:36:31.889] ADMINPRIVATE: PM: Sheltton/(Mario Faccoilo)->Admiral_awesome130/(Stephanie Holmes): I said hat and 99% of the time they get it
23:37:01.905] ADMINPRIVATE: PM: Admiral_awesome130/(Stephanie Holmes)->Sheltton/(Mario Faccoilo): Ok, let me rephrase... Did you ask and then wait for the warden to grab one for you, or were you just going in and just saying "HAT"
23:37:54.149] ADMINPRIVATE: PM: Sheltton/(Mario Faccoilo)->Admiral_awesome130/(Stephanie Holmes): They legit know what I mean because how often I do this and both the hos and warden we right there so they sawed me buy the hat and take nothing else
(Here you mention you do mention how often you do your mario cosplay thing and I wanted to know more honestly. I -HAVE- seen you do the mario getup in rounds I play as non-admin, I was legitimately curious at this point.)
23:38:41.908] ADMINPRIVATE: PM: Admiral_awesome130/(Stephanie Holmes)->Sheltton/(Mario Faccoilo): Why do you do a "Super Mario" bit each round?
23:38:59.666] ADMINPRIVATE: PM: Sheltton/(Mario Faccoilo)->Admiral_awesome130/(Stephanie Holmes): Why cant I?
23:39:08.838] ADMINPRIVATE: PM: Sheltton/(Mario Faccoilo)->Admiral_awesome130/(Stephanie Holmes): Its a RP game is it not
23:39:43.625] ADMINPRIVATE: PM: Sheltton/(Mario Faccoilo)->Admiral_awesome130/(Stephanie Holmes): all my characters i play dress up even when am not mario
23:40:47.484] ADMINPRIVATE: PM: Admiral_awesome130/(Stephanie Holmes)->Sheltton/(Mario Faccoilo): Fair enough I suppose.
- So I'm going to say it was a valid brigging, there was a decent escalation from going into sec, to trash canning the warden, to the HoS arresting and demoting you.
- Ball would be in your court, champ.
(Here, I am trying to imply for you to either keep where the escalation of you vs sec has gone, or escalate further via actual harm or otherwise. Going to court would have been hilarous, and kudos to you for thinking of it as in-round it was not withing my thought process.)
23:40:48.688] ADMINPRIVATE: Ticket <A HREF=[--REDACTED--];ahelp=[0x2107c3ff];ahelp_action=ticket'>#1</A> marked as IC by <a href='?priv_msg=admiralawesome130'>Admiral_awesome130</a>/(Stephanie Holmes)
I mark your Ahelp as IC. As I said, ball would have been in your court.

23:40:52.782] & 23:40:54.393] I mark the HoS and Warden Ahelps I opened up to ask about their involvement to "closed" as it seemed the ahelp status was finished.
23:41:28.654] ADMINPRIVATE: Ticket #4: Sheltton/(Mario Faccoilo): so oh I guess my round is ruined to legit shit sec who is coping kekw
Your second Ahelp.
23:42:17.350] ADMINPRIVATE: Ticket <A HREF=[--REDACTED--];ahelp=[0x2107d1b0];ahelp_action=ticket'>#4</A> closed by <a href='?priv_msg=admiralawesome130'>Admiral_awesome130</a>/(Stephanie Holmes).
Me closing your second Ahelp, because this was obviously you being a salty boy over the decision I came to.
Shaps-cloud wrote: Mon Dec 07, 2020 7:59 am May eventually become one of the illusive maintainer-headmins if they choose to pursue that path, having a coder in the senior admin leadership has usually been positive for both sides in the past.
Head Coder of /tg/station, hi!

Head Admin of /tg/station Feb 2022.

Mothblocks everywhere, >>> Say nice things about me <<<
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Re: Admiral_awesome130 - Sheltton - Refuses to help after shitsec strikes again

Post by Vekter » #622663

I think it's worth noting that, in general, going back to fuck with someone after they've already dunked you non-lethally tends to remove your rule 1 protections. Once the HoS removed you from the brig, that would have ideally been the end of the conflict.
AliasTakuto wrote: Thu Jan 04, 2024 1:11 pm As for the ear replacing stuff, you can ask Anne but I don't think this is what I was banned for. If I was all I can say is "Sorry for being hilarious"...
Omega_DarkPotato wrote:This sucks, dude.
Reply PM from-REDACTED/(REDACTED): i tried to remove the bruises by changing her gender

PM: Bluespace->Delaron: Nobody wants a mime's asscheeks farting on their brig windows.

PM: REDACTED->HotelBravoLima: Oh come on, knowing that these are hostile aliens is metagaming

[17:43] <Aranclanos> any other question ping me again
[17:43] <Vekter> Aranclanos for nicest coder 2015
[17:44] <Aranclanos> fuck you
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Re: Admiral_awesome130 - Sheltton - Refuses to help after shitsec strikes again

Post by dragomagol » #624570

Just because you have brig access doesn't mean you're automatically welcome in the brig. All you did to explain why you were there was to say: wrote: [2021-12-19 23:21:20.634] SAY: Sheltton/(Mario Faccoilo) "hat" (Security Office (122,176,4))
[2021-12-19 23:21:26.853] SAY: Sheltton/(Mario Faccoilo) "hat" (Security Office (122,176,4))(125,174,4))
After you were sent out through disposals, you continued to pursue security over your hat which lead to your brigging and demotion.

We find no issue with admiral's conduct and ruling surrounding this situation.

Headmin Votes:
RaveRadbury: Do not uphold
Dragomagol: Do not uphold
NamelessFairy: Do not uphold
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