[HotelBravoLima] E.Goulart - badmining

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[HotelBravoLima] E.Goulart - badmining

Post by E.Goulart » #33375

Byond account and character name: E.Goulart, Amber Zalack
Admin: HotelBravoLima
Time incident occured: Around an hour and a half before this topic
Detailed summary:

HotelBravoLima spawned at least a cult blade with paralysis smoke controlled by him and an army of blob zombies, all in a cult round. The cult blade was just killing and harming whoever the fuck was nearby and the blob zombies were instantly spawned at genetics, using the pile of corpses (corpses just fresh from the moving cult blade) that were to be cloned, also killing whoever was nearby genetics.

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he had his fun with his buttons

other players didn't

You should know better, hotelbravolima.
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Byond Username: BlessedHeretic

Re: [HotelBravoLima] E.Goulart - badmining

Post by BlessedHeretic » #33380

Wrong person to have in your complaint there buddy. It was me all along. I was told to make a spooky game ender and I thought some soulless swords with narsie's para smoke and spider grade damage was decent. And considering they were stopped, they were not exactly impossible to kill. They had a shock factor, which forced a shuttle call, as intended seeing as EVERY cultist was dealt with at this point.
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Byond Username: HotelBravoLima
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Re: [HotelBravoLima] E.Goulart - badmining

Post by Hibbles » #33381

Send a snarky PM, you get a snarky reply. I've asked Blessed, who actually came up with and ran the event, to come here and post regarding it.

EDIT: There we go.

EDIT 2: I count exactly one person complaining in that second image, so that's you, and one other person. How many players were on at the time?
Joined: Sun Sep 14, 2014 3:40 am
Byond Username: E.Goulart

Re: [HotelBravoLima] E.Goulart - badmining

Post by E.Goulart » #33393

BlessedHeretic wrote:Wrong person to have in your complaint there buddy. It was me all along. I was told to make a spooky game ender and I thought some soulless swords with narsie's para smoke and spider grade damage was decent. And considering they were stopped, they were not exactly impossible to kill. They had a shock factor, which forced a shuttle call, as intended seeing as EVERY cultist was dealt with at this point.
Who ingame knew that all of the cult threat was dealt with? You shouldn't force a round end just because you know the round threat is over, Blessed.
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Byond Username: HotelBravoLima
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Re: [HotelBravoLima] E.Goulart - badmining

Post by Hibbles » #33398

To be honest, that's one of the primary admin responsibilities in the opinion of some, in order to ensure we don't have five hour rounds in which nothing happens.
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Re: [HotelBravoLima] E.Goulart - badmining

Post by Fragnostic » #33438

Hibbles wrote:Blessed, who actually came up with and ran the event
That's what an event is?
They were fast moving, high damage dealing, parasmoke spewing objects with narrow cult sword sprites that are already kinda hard to click on when it's still, killing everything in sight.

I don't speak for anyone else here, but I personally didn't like it. Yeah, it was kind of upsetting since I got ganged by a bunch of "Soulless Swords" with very little chance to survive. I mean, I had joined just a few minute ago when it happen and got killed. It was very unfun and I hope that isn't anyone's idea of a fun event. It was fun, maybe, for whoever was a Soulless Sword(which doesn't even make sense, even in terms of cult magic) because they expressed joy in dead chat and even wanted to do it again. I think they did get revived by BlessedHeretic. But that's beside the point. I did express a dislike for this...event...very vocally in deadchat

And although you aren't obligated to answer my question:
If an inanimate object usually becomes sentient due to the introduction of a consciousness, then how can these cult blades appear sentient and aware of they are "soulless"?
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Byond Username: BlessedHeretic

Re: [HotelBravoLima] E.Goulart - badmining

Post by BlessedHeretic » #33450

The swords were killed by players, all 5 of them. None were ever revived or healed. They were given narsie flavor abilities. Their damage was LOWER than the standard they were at, I NERFED their stats. Blind fire lasers can hit them and the cult sword sprite is larger than the other sword sprites i could have used.

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