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Yahir Wolff

Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2015 7:23 am
by RedMcCloud
Your byond account: RedMcCloud

Your character name: Jazz Jackrabbit

Their character name: Yahir Wolff

Their byond account(optional, but useful if you can provide it): N/A

Server and time: Sibyl, approx. 11 PM west coast time

Logs and/or screenshots: mixed with description

Description of what happened:

I was QM. The round was going relatively average minus the HoP or someone else non-humaning the entire cargo department (what the shit), but I was simply walking around waving a sign when, out of the blue...
Yahir Wolff comes along, socks me, and takes my sign. As I chase him trying to spam disarm, he socks me again, and I decide that's enough. He retreats into a maint corridor and I pick up two extuingishers. He drops my sign, and, fearing that he's gonna pull something out, I throw the extuingishers at him, pick them up when they hit, and throw them again. Sure enough, he pulls out a fucking stun prod and runs at me with it, the gods of spacetime make it lag, and I sax away from him with my sign. He tries to get the AI to sic its borgs on me over coms but fails, so I continue on my merry way.
I'm now in medbay, and Santa sprints by, chucking two presents at me. I open the presents, don my new poncho and helmet, and out the fuckin' blue comes Yahir.
He drags me into maint, before questioning me, sort of.
Note that the 'illegal stuff' was armor and a saw, the armor came from the away mission and the saw came from the cargo lathe. He drags me up to sec, which is fucking destroyed, and tries to get someone to lock me in a cell. No one is there, so he drags me down to engineering, saying he'll let me go, before I escape and run out of engineering as I thought he was gonna feed me to lord singuloth. He grabs me again, and then drags me through maintenance for a good 6 or 7 minutes just asking me constantly why I attacked him, and I answer him the same every time. FINALLY he drags me to arrivals, and, being stupid, tries to get into a pod who's lost its atmosphere due to a wall missing along with a chunk of arrivals behind it, I start to die from the pressure and lack of oxygen, when what I suspect to be admin-spawned carp suddenly zoom in from space and bite me into crit.

And then I died in medbay after the shuttle left when he started to... beat my corpse with a defib. He even dropped one and picked up the other before hitting my corpse AGAIN with it, and then FINALLY, after the shuttle had landed at centcom and the round was over, defibbed me. I'm guessing this was a 'good-will gesture' on their part in an attempt to save face for KIDNAPPING ME FOR HALF THE ROUND.

Why they should be banned: kidnapped me as a non traitor, dragged me around until i was dead, all that jazz (lel)

Re: Yahir Wolff

Posted: Fri Dec 25, 2015 4:27 pm
by Super Aggro Crag
pas deleted my picture of an escalator so what i'm saying here is you grabbing the two fire extinguishers and chucking them at a dude is escalation. like how fucking vital is it that you have your shit-stirring furry meme protest sign, you can craft that shit pretty easily.

Re: Yahir Wolff

Posted: Fri Dec 25, 2015 8:07 pm
by RedMcCloud
Super Aggro Crag wrote:pas deleted my picture of an escalator so what i'm saying here is you grabbing the two fire extinguishers and chucking them at a dude is escalation. like how fucking vital is it that you have your shit-stirring furry meme protest sign, you can craft that shit pretty easily.
I took back my sign after that and scooted away and he followed me before kidnapping me

Plus punching a random person twice and not expecting some sort of retaliation is fuckin stoopid

Re: Yahir Wolff

Posted: Fri Dec 25, 2015 10:12 pm
by Super Aggro Crag
throwing two fire extinguishers at a guy and chasing him around and not expecting him to murder you is silly too

Re: Yahir Wolff

Posted: Sat Dec 26, 2015 6:47 am
by lollerderby
Yahir Wolff was played by kaptem.

I had a chat with him in-game about this, he did mis-escalate the situation slightly but he also realized this and (ineptly) try to heal you, so this'll just be a note.