[HornyGranny] Futur - Rule 0

Appeals which have been closed.
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[HornyGranny] Futur - Rule 0

Post by Boogeyman » #115702

Before you go on to read this, I'd appreciate it if you did not simply lock the thread and would allow for discussion to take place. I have in this thread, made suggested changes to my behavior to alleviate problems the player base has with me. It is not, an appeal based on refuting your statements or actions as the other thread was.

I was banned for one week by Saegrimr for "metagaming the game mode". While I disagree with the ban I accept that given the information that Saegrimr had it was not unjustified, even if they were wrong about my intent in the end. I am not wishing to appeal that ban, but to reduce it to it's original length of one week. It was a manual ban and I was unable to speak to them in more detail before I was banned so I made my appeal. After talking to my good friend Punnches420 :^) over BYOND pager, he posted my appeal in OOC. This attracted the attention of Hornygranny and elicited a wave of "thank god he is gone" in OOC. My appeal was closed with about.. 7 posts and my ban was raised to a perma. As I've never interacted with him in IC or OOC ever, I'd say he was motivated by the OOC response to my week ban and a potential conversation he had with the other admins. While I believe what he did was pretty unfair, I'd say it is pointless to talk about in great detail here (though I did on singulo.io if you are interested in seeing) as I cannot imagine that can help me getting unbanned. Obviously if a majority of the player base has an issue with me, then some of my behavior needs to be changed. And so, I offer you solutions that while may not fix everything entirely, will be beneficial for everyone in the long run.

We must first ask ourselves what the issues with me are. Why it is that a good majority of players take issue with me? I've thought about it and there seems to really only be one reason. A good 80 percent of the rounds that I play, I roll Head of Security. Now, I only have Head of Security set to Medium, but due to how the job placement is coded, I am chosen very frequently. So most people's memorable experiences with me are from me being the Head of Security. Most people on the server do not play Security. There is a fundamental misunderstanding in a good amount of people's minds about how Security should operate. They should give the benefit of the doubt to everyone no matter the situation, they should always talk before arresting, they should always make time for whatever petty issue of yours that needs addressing, they should treat antagonists fairly and seek to ensure their OOC comfort because after all, antags are players too! These are some of the ideas that float around that just are too idealistic and cannot be reasonably followed a majority of the time.

But even given the above statements, It still would not explain why I in particular am disliked. As Head of Security, I play a bit more aggressively then a lot of others do. If I catch a traitor, I will execute them regardless of the circumstances. Not only do I execute them, I ensure that after they are executed they will have a zero percent chance of coming back into the round. I will space their body, or incinerate it. If you compare this to how other people play, the difference becomes clear. Where I vie to execute, someone else may vie to permabrig or cyborg. This makes people a lot less angry and makes much more of a difference then you think. In regards to the other game modes, I do not play too much differently then is standard for other Security players. The exception would be Gang mode where I refuse to implant anyone who is not a head of staff or Science personnel. Traitor is the most common game type and so, this behavior of mine that is different from the norm is expressed quite often. I do have my reasons for playing this way, and it is not as simple as "He's just a valid hunter" or "He just likes to murderbone." I can go into further detail as to why I play this way if you would like, but I feel for the purposes of this appeal it is irrelevant.

Lastly, it seems as if the other 15 percent of the time I am not Security, but an antagonist myself. This is because of how antag roles are done. When I am not Security, I am forced to be another job to get my successful antag role. If you couple this with the above behavior, it is not a surprise that the consensus of my character is that he is an asshole.

And so now we come to the solutions. There are a few things that I promise I will do if you decide to unban me. I believe these will solve the above problems.

I promise to first, fix my character preferences for Futur. I will set all Head roles to LOW and all other rules to medium. I will retain having AI on high as otherwise I never get to play it due to competition. This fixes the issue of me constantly being in a role where I have power that can negatively effect someone's round.

Secondly, I promise that when I do play Head of Security, I will follow the following code of conduct:

- I will not execute a traitor who has harmed nobody unless it is impossible to hold them in a secure place.
- I will not execute anyone without the Captain's permission unless it is a field execution where my life is in danger.
- Those who are confirmed antagonists and have murdered only their target or a single person will be borged instead of executed.
- When I do execute someone, I will not space or incinerate their body unless they were a particularly bad Dante Smith murderbone tier criminal. I will borg them if I am feeling secure about the AI.
- Those who I will still execute regardless of the situation include: Gang members who are not Scientists or Heads of Staff, gang leaders, rev heads, and shadowlings/thralls.

Lastly I will play my other characters such as King Cuckhold more often. These characters have drastically different play styles when compared to Futur and are more laid back. The exception being when I accidentally joined as Head of Security as one of these characters and was more or less forced to break character a bit.

All in all this means that I will be playing Security much less frequently then I do, and that when I do play I will be less harsh and more fair to antagonists. I feel that these changes will do a lot to fix the issues many people have with me. Though I am not entirely sure.

Those of you who've had issues with Futur as Head of Security, I welcome you to air your grievances here and I will attempt to rebuke them, or commit to make a change in behavior in this thread.

I feel like that is all. I am a bit weary about posting this second appeal so soon, I had initially typed it all up and vowed to post it after my original ban length had passed, but I suppose it cannot really hurt too much as I'm sure if it is not immediately closed, by the time a decision is reached it may even be a week.
Last edited by Boogeyman on Sun Aug 30, 2015 4:05 am, edited 1 time in total.
Joined: Wed Dec 10, 2014 1:55 am
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Re: [HornyGranny] Futur - Rule 0

Post by Tsaricide » #115703

Better luck next year.
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Joined: Mon Nov 10, 2014 2:46 am
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Re: [HornyGranny] Futur - Rule 0

Post by Scones » #115715

We discussed it in #tgsleads

3/3 headmin approval to a "better luck next year"

See you then.
plplplplp WOOOOooo hahahhaha

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