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Your IC has 1 Main / Sub Skill, what is it?

Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2014 7:17 am
by srifenbyxp
Regardless of role or job you'r IC character has one reasonable skill that's within "some" realm of believability. What is yers?

Main Skill
Ninjaku Grip Terror Style!
Effect: Can't be disarmed using a double bladed energy sword while the blade is in it's on state. This skill does not apply to single or katana energy swords.

Sub Skill
Class 'G' Wizard Hunter License
Effect: Fights better against wizards with shotguns (quicker reload), but not with any other weapon (much slower recharge/reload)

Re: Your IC has 1 Main / Sub Skill, what is it?

Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2014 4:47 pm
by Ezel
Super push
pushes you instantly down

Rad Fart
A fart that is made if toxic

Re: Your IC has 1 Main / Sub Skill, what is it?

Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2014 7:17 pm
by Raven776
I'll bite.

Main: Telescience Mastery
Ability to complain about people who didn't write their own code for telescience, proclivity to spacing/singularity warping anyone that mentions that god damned spread sheet.

Sub: Thesis Writing
Ability to recite a thesis paper over comms until co-worker's eyes glaze over.

Re: Your IC has 1 Main / Sub Skill, what is it?

Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2014 8:36 pm
by JStheguy
Main: Shanking
Effects: Attacks with screwdrivers, shards of glass, and knives result in the target getting immobilized.
Sub: Eggs
Effects: Ability to make egg-based dishes that are so fucking delicious people die of enjoyment.

Re: Your IC has 1 Main / Sub Skill, what is it?

Posted: Fri Oct 10, 2014 1:41 pm
by Thunder11
Jazmin Malcovich:
Skilled aim; all ranged attacks ignore 50% of the target's armour
Pain tolerance; all stun/knowndown times reduced by 15%

Leila Petrov:
Bluespace filing cabinet; can produce any required blank forms, at any time, out of thin air
Razor tounge; expert in creatively insulting crewmembers, typically those crying for tools/gloves without the relevant paperwork

Re: Your IC has 1 Main / Sub Skill, what is it?

Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2014 12:58 am
by Cuboos
Johnson Fitzwell:
Main: Jack of all trades: Proficiently skilled in most departments to qualify in them, but can't master any skills.

Sub: Ghetto Warrior: Can make a weapon out of just about anything

Dr. Weird:
Main: Space Lube Guru: Knows a million uses for Space Lube and how to apply them, can make a space lube grenade with his eyes closed

Sub: Clown of Science: High skilled and knowledgeable about most things involving science, especially around Clown Science.

Main Optimistic: Nothing ever seems to get his lizzardman down, not the contempt from the higher ranking humans to the inevitable death he'll likely face on the station.

Sub: Charming: Grants an immediate bonus to his charisma, dispute his low I.Q. and lack of social skills, very few seem to be capable of genuinely hating him. The effect is doubled on other Lizardpeople

Re: Your IC has 1 Main / Sub Skill, what is it?

Posted: Thu Dec 25, 2014 4:38 am
by Earthykiller127
Main skill:
Hands that has the same effects as stun gloves
Sub skill:
Who the fuck needs a sub skill when you have stun hands

Re: Your IC has 1 Main / Sub Skill, what is it?

Posted: Thu Dec 25, 2014 5:12 am
by danno
>all those powergamer skills
>it-it's realistic i swear
cmon people, you're embarrassing yourselves

Jane West
Main Skill:
MY GENOME; increased grab speed when grabbing Luck/Luck wannabes
Sub Skill:
Why doesn't anyone else use this :( ; Ability to look fit as fuck when jumpsuit is rolled down

Oscar Grouch
Main Skill:
Trashmaster; Spawn with a trash bin to drag around and hide in
Sub Skill:
Obnoxious; Bolded and larger radio chat when yelling nonsense or spamming HAHAHAHAHA

Re: Your IC has 1 Main / Sub Skill, what is it?

Posted: Thu Dec 25, 2014 7:47 am
by Scones
Main - Steady Hands: The scalpel always finds its mark. The wirecutters always cleanly snip. You'd have to physically disrupt him to actually fuck something up.

"You should've seen the guy. Absolutely certain with every tiny little movement. I was skeptical, but when the timer stopped counting and we threw the bomb away, I knew I had trusted the right one."

Sub - Cog in the Machine: Cecily wades through bureaucratic mine fields of sub-forms and protocol documents like it was second nature. You'd have to spend some serious time and energy on any legal fuckery worthy of stopping him.

"Forms A1-J-21 filled out, signed, and stamped. Subform R-141 and all relevant errata are similarly processed."

Re: Your IC has 1 Main / Sub Skill, what is it?

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2014 8:40 pm
by Konstantinos
Minnesota Mitch

(Main) Drunken Master - This character has honed his drinking abilities into a sort of ghetto superpower. Drinking slightly heals all types of damage. The more alcoholic a drink is, the more it heals for.

(Sub) Maltese Falconer - Years of running the grimiest bar on this side of Alpha Centauri have hardened this character into a rugged and unscrupulous brawler. Shotguns, kitchen knives, bottles (broken or otherwise), shards of glass and metal rods all do more brute damage than they would normally do. In addition, beanbag shells have an extended stun period.

Armstrong McCollough

(Main) King of the Rats - This character has spent quite a bit of time lurking around the murky maintenance shafts of the station. His eyes have adjusted to the constant darkness and he has gained a natural night vision. In addition, he moves much faster in maintenance shafts and does much more damage with toolboxes, crowbars, wrenches and other industrial items.

(Sub) Follicle Fortress - Thanks to years of meticulous grooming and training, this character has perfected the art of the beard. His facial hair acts as natural armor and protects his head from brute damage. In addition, his beard hair can be trimmed and used to create armored vests or enhance preexisting ones.

Re: Your IC has 1 Main / Sub Skill, what is it?

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2014 9:02 pm
by danno
ITT: powergame

Re: Your IC has 1 Main / Sub Skill, what is it?

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2014 9:37 pm
by Earthykiller127
danno wrote:ITT: powergame
OP wrote:Regardless of role or job you'r IC character has one reasonable skill that's within "some" realm of believability. What is yers?
where is the no power game in this

Re: Your IC has 1 Main / Sub Skill, what is it?

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2014 11:34 pm
by danno
i'm just saying

Re: Your IC has 1 Main / Sub Skill, what is it?

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2014 3:30 am
by Ricotez
Michelle Gauss
Main Skill: Justice is Blind
Improves taser aim by hearing when blinded by your own flashbang, you idiot.

Sub Skill: Thick Skin
Maintain an unbiased opinion toward all criminals, no matter how many times they call you shitcurity. Unbiased of course includes adding "slander of an officer" to their security records once you incarcerate them.

Ivan Cherenkov
Main Skill: Second Skin
Significantly improves agility and dexterity inside of a hardsuit, despite having to breathe such a low pressure of oxygen you feel like you're constantly choking.

Sub Skill: Tool Fan
50% more damage dealt with any item that fits in a tool belt, and 70% better appreciation of progressive metal.

Helen McStrings
Main Skill: For Science
Eliminates any concerns about safety or ethics you may have while practising science.

Sub Skill: Bluespace Theory
10% faster handling with the telepad, and 5% better understanding of the bluespace cascade effect resulting from two resonating Planck fields (read: 5% less likely to combine two Bags of Holding).

Main Skill: A Shocking Disregard for Human Life
Significantly improves your ability not to give a fuck about the humans who accidentally touch your shocked airlocks.

Sub Skill: Context Grasp
Enables a better understanding of laws uploaded by those with a weak grip on the English language.

Re: Your IC has 1 Main / Sub Skill, what is it?

Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2015 2:24 am
by cedarbridge
Dalton Wolffe
Machine Whisperer: +2 to all Speak Binary and Craft AI Law checks. +2 circumstance bonus to diplomacy checks against AI law interpretations.
Better Living Through Alchemy: +2 to all checks involving any sort of research and development, telescience, or xenobiology products or processes

Reagent Mastery: +2 to all checks involving combination or use of reagents or chemical mixtures
Life is Tough on the 'Roid: +2 to mining and combat rolls on the mining asteroid. +2 competence to checks involving transport and use of gibtonite

Re: Your IC has 1 Main / Sub Skill, what is it?

Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2015 5:42 am
by dezzmont
Max Oneil:
Primary Skill: Emergency Polymath.
"I am pretty sure I can do this... I mean how hard can it be... it is just brain surgery right?"
If no one is currently in radio contact with Max Oneil who is trained in a skill, Max Oneil becomes profficient in that skill when attempting tasks requiring that skill for the remainder of the shift. He does not gain any passive bonuses or certifications for those skill.
Secondary Skill: By the book
"I don't care what you think. You will respond to me when I asked you to report in according to the Location-Status-Encounter system established in protocol NSM-117!"
Max Oneil grants a 20% boost to all willing department members s protocol as long as he is in radio contact.

Dr. Richard Sunflower:
Primary Skill: Botanical Scientist.
"Hey man. Not cool. I have two PHDs, so it would be groovy if you stopped calling me gardener.
Dr. Richard Sunflower doubles his skill totals in all skills under the science group as long as someone in the room has doubted his abilities as a scientist. Dr. Richard Sunflower doubles the speed of all actions made using a skill under the science group as long as no one in the room has doubted his abilities as a scientist.
Secondary Skill: Tai Chi
"I was an anti-war protester man. I never said I was a pacifist."
Dr. Richard Sunflower's disarm attempts get a +25% success rate as long as he has not used a weapon in the last 5 minutes. Dr. Richard Sunflower's melee skill is reduced by 10 when not used for unarmed strikes.

Re: Your IC has 1 Main / Sub Skill, what is it?

Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2015 5:04 pm
by Malkevin
Urist McSpacedorf
Major: Mary Sue-ism - good at eveeerrrryyything
Subskill: Space-law Mastery - ability to twist any crime into a perma sentence.

Re: Your IC has 1 Main / Sub Skill, what is it?

Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2015 9:45 pm
by Wizardjenkins66
Richter Harrison
Main: Don't fire until you see the whites of their eyes: Deals more damage with pointblank shots.
Secondary: Conservation: Use of any Narcotics affects him twice as much.

Re: Your IC has 1 Main / Sub Skill, what is it?

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2015 7:48 am
by Big Faggot
1. Can erp and not be banned
2. can talk as much shit as he wnats

Re: Your IC has 1 Main / Sub Skill, what is it?

Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2015 12:50 am
by Hellafied
Jack Rustle

Sneaky hands (Main)
Can pickpocket/strip a person without a message popping up in chat.

For years Jack has been stealing from people . He has mastered the art of the pick pocket.

Fast Feet (Sub)
Can run as fast a a Borg with a VTEC module.

Having spent most of his life in on the run from security, Jack has a peak physical endurance and running speed.

Rebecca Ann

Intimidation (Main)
Her role as a female authority figure strikes fear in the eyes of males. Decreases run speed and brute attack damage.

Rebecca has been training to become HoS her whole life. She graduated top of her class in the Nanotracen Security Academy.

Strength (Sub)
Allows for heaver armor/suits to be worn without run speed reductions.

Rebecca is built like a truck. She works out off shit lifting weights that most men cannot.

Tor'uk Macto

Talons (Main)
His lizard feet allow Tor'uk to grip even the wettest floors. He can even make his way down a hall with no gravity.

Tor'uk Has rough scaled feet, and sharp talons. The station engineers and the janitor hate him for ruining the floor panels!

Scaled Armor (Sub)
Tor'uk's Scaled skin gifts him with a 20% brute damage reduction, and a 10% burn damage reduction.

Tor'uk is known to use a fine grit sandpaper to smooth his scales. He buffs them with a industrial strength hardening alloy used in the Singulairty containment grid!

Re: Your IC has 1 Main / Sub Skill, what is it?

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2015 3:33 am
by PKPenguin321
Lauser McMauligan

Main: Kamikaze Confidence
Absurd self-confidence allows for absurd combat prowess in a risky situation, but makes him significantly more likely to end up in these kinds of life-threatening situations in the first place. He winds up dying a lot, but at the same time, so do the three people he was fighting.

Sub: Maintenance Mastery
A stupid amount of wasted time allows him to know every nook and cranny in maintenance shafts off the top of his head. Thinking of planting a powersink or hiding a corpse in maint? Think again. He can locate power grid or construction irregularities in record time.

Re: Your IC has 1 Main / Sub Skill, what is it?

Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2015 3:07 am
by rook
derrrrek rookkkk
main: has a bachelors degree

sub: prefers dom but is down w/ most things.

Re: Your IC has 1 Main / Sub Skill, what is it?

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2015 4:38 pm
by Drynwyn
Aubrie Allen.

Main: What the fuck, again?
Always finds Hulk (or lately, laser eyes) 3 fucking minutes into the round when playing as Geneticist.

Sub: Enhanced Miner Yelling
Shaft Miners work harder when you PDA them every 5 minutes, right?

Re: Your IC has 1 Main / Sub Skill, what is it?

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2015 5:11 pm
by Comrade Leo
Get out of jail free card. Get away with anything with just a hug.

"How the fuck did you get in here?"
Mime all access. Don't need no id. +1 to rapid decon of reinforced windows/grilles +1 to powerwire/crowbar combo.

Re: Your IC has 1 Main / Sub Skill, what is it?

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2016 3:31 am
by Smoopadoop
David Bellic

Main skill: Newbie's Luck
RNG is always on his side. Need to disarm that dude? Got it. Randomly firing into the darkness? Headshot. What, I'm blind? Nah thats fine I just singlehandedly destroyed the Syndicate. what the fuck is highhandedly? go away autocorrect

When on Nanotrasen's side, is capable of doing mad guerrilla shit (read: normal assistant shit). When NOT aligned with Nanotrasen, manages to fuck everything up, never even STARTS his job, and generally draws too much attention.
"I turned the eblade on, I SWEAR!"

Re: Your IC has 1 Main / Sub Skill, what is it?

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2016 4:06 am
by ShadowDimentio
Rise from your etc

Re: Your IC has 1 Main / Sub Skill, what is it?

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2016 4:42 am
by PKPenguin321
i know i posted already in this thread ages ago but i feel this is more accurate as of late:

Main: The Anaconda
It's 40 inches.

Sub: Bully
Specifically the bully of one Mekhi Anderson. That motherfucker has a dick so small you could barely see it under an electron microscope, I mean like, damn. Shit's fuckin' tiny down there.

Re: Your IC has 1 Main / Sub Skill, what is it?

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2016 5:00 am
by John_Oxford
Bill Rowe
Primary Skill: War Torn
Bill puffs his cigar ominously and mutters in a scratchy voice; "" I've been through the seven stages of hell, seen everything there is to see, there aren't many corners of this galaxy i haven't stuck my nose into.""
+ Additional Damage Resistance - Calloused scars, scrapes, burns and bruises from decades of war and destruction has turned bills skin into a rough hide, similar to that of leather.
+ Elevated Percerption - Many years in the Nanotrasen Special Operations Unit has caused bill to be acutely aware of his enemies equipment and items they possess on hand.
+/- Additonal Combat Skill "Space CQC" - Bill has learned and adapted many forms of martial arts from all around the universe, and is very skilled in hand to hand combat.
- Lowered Movement Speed - Being slammed, run into, tackled, and punched has caused bills skeletal structure to be quite worn, meaning he is only able to move so fast
- Lowered Eyesight - Years of laser flashes, fusion cores detonating, bluespace artillery firing, and ion lights turning on, has caused bills cornea to become damaged.
- Damaged Hearing - Many accounts of explosions, from hand grenades to sub orbital cannon fire, has caused bills ear drums to be severely damaged.

Secondary Skill: Demoman
Bill snuffs the cigar out in the ashtray, and mutters to the bartender "" Gin, neat."" He sighs, and turns to face you. "" So i hear you want to learn a thing or two about making shit explode?" ""
-i'll finish writing this later, holy fuck its late

Re: Your IC has 1 Main / Sub Skill, what is it?

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2016 4:59 pm
by TechnoAlchemist

Gun - has a gun

Re: Your IC has 1 Main / Sub Skill, what is it?

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2016 8:08 pm
by Eaglendia
TechnoAlchemist wrote:Skill:

Gun - has a gun
Bones McGee
+20 to bluff checks when impersonating Security

Re: Your IC has 1 Main / Sub Skill, what is it?

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2016 8:11 pm
by EndgamerAzari
Evan Abrams:
Primary Skill: I Think I Know What I Did Wrong
Has a tendency to survive large accidents, or at least die in a conspicuous way/location so he can be cloned.

Secondary Skill: Eagle Scout
Often carries spare metal and tools in order to make impromptu repairs to station structure.

Re: Your IC has 1 Main / Sub Skill, what is it?

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2016 9:07 pm
by Luke Cox
Luke Cox
Main skill: Sadist
Attacks cause more bleeding, and disabilities caused by attacks (i.e. blindness from screwdrivers) are more likely and longer

Secondary skill: Adept arrester
Handcuffs and cablecuffs are applied faster

Times XII

Main Skill Pyromaniac
Targets set on fire burn faster

Secondary skill: Delayed combustion
Skin takes longer to ignite when exposed to oxygen

Re: Your IC has 1 Main / Sub Skill, what is it?

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2016 12:11 am
by PKPenguin321
Lauser McMauligan's 100% True-For-Serious-This-Time Traits

Main: Indecisive
Personality and traits change on an almost shift-to-shift basis. Nobody's 100% sure why. Maybe he's a bunch of clones and you never see the same one twice? Maybe he has horrid amnesia? Maybe the guy controlling him likes variety? Whatever the cause, you can never be too certain around him. Sometimes he's a silly jokester, sometimes he's a pissed off janitor with a foul mouth, sometimes he's the loyal captain who loves his crew.

Sub: Trait Rotation
As a result of the Indecisiveness trait, Lauser frequently swaps out traits and gets new ones. As a result, he has two main traits and two sub traits, with Indecisive and Trait Rotation each permanently taking up a slot.

Re: Your IC has 1 Main / Sub Skill, what is it?

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2016 12:27 am
by Super Aggro Crag
i have a lot of characters, heres what i have so far for my most commonly played ones

Hedwig Algebra
Primary Skill: Don't hold your Breath!

Perhaps because of her skills in Medbay, but more likely her constant use of her asthma inhaler, Hedy can restore more oxygen to a critical patient than normal with tiny gasps of residual salbutamol when giving CPR.

Secondary Skill: Discretion is the better part of Cowardive!

In spite of her build, Hedwig can temporarily increase her run speed to impressive levels at the cost of fatigue (Like that old sprint test we had, why'd we get rid of that it was good.)

Officer Friendly
Primary Skill: Stop Resisting!

Percival's savage disregard for the well being of perpetrators means that when using a sec-lite, firearm, metal rod in melee can stun an opponent as long as a tele-baton. In addition, actual telescopic batons and stun batons have their stun lengthened 25 percent.

Secondary Skill: Stache Stash

Nobody knows how he does it, but Friendly has developed the ability to hide lifesaving medicine in his authoritative mustache, allowing him to stash healing chemicals in his facial hair that he can shake out in an emergency.

Megumi O'sayeid

Primary Skill: Salvage Op

Megumi's upbringing on a drifter colony has taught her the value of a plasma cutter for day-to-day use. She can use a plasma cutter as a welder for all purposes, as well as doing an extra 5 burn damage per shot when firing one.

Secondary Skill: Roll With It!

A healthy respect for towering infernos as well as a lifelong dedication to taking it easy means Meg extinguishes fire stacks twice as well when stop, dropping, and rolling.

Avudim Gopniki

Primary Skill: Slavsit

His refusal to use a chair properly has turned into an advantage. Dima can escape out of cuffbuckling to furniture much faster.

Secondary Skill: Borscht Brawler

With a supply of Vodka and derived cocktails in his bloodstream, Avudim gains resistance to damage induced slowdown, fatigue, and being weakened or knocked unconscious by a punch. Just don't expect him to walk a straight line.

Re: Your IC has 1 Main / Sub Skill, what is it?

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2016 1:24 am
by yackemflam
Akarani Yamaguchi
Main Skill: Cuban Pete's follower; Know's a good bit on how to make a decent bomb and where to place them for maximum efficiency

Sub Skill: Moist Nugget lover; You are proficient with the ancient russian weapon, the mosin nagant.

Flaw: Poor luck; Fate seems to hate you, between that assistant pushing you down first to getting caught by the ai to getting your bombs to blow on you by that assistant with a remote signaler. You tend to have bad luck in the worst timing possible.

For fun: Artist; You can paint well.

Shaka Zulu
Main Skill: Of ancient decent; You are proficient with melee weapons, but you really shine with a spear and shield.

Sub skill: 'Hunter'; People tend to ignore you. Making it easier to hide from your prey when you jump them. You can have a weapon in broad daylight and people won't give a shit.

Flaw: SHAJUKA!; People don't understand what the fuck you are saying.

For fun: You like to garden.

Main Skill: Die Hard; You seriously don't want to die. At all. You know how to patch yourself up from minimal medical supply.

Sub Skill: Ligger in hiding; You're the janitor. You won't be missed if you go missing. Run off if things get a bit spicy to you and you most likely wont be found.

Flaw: Named Prophecy; You KNOW you'll die a painful death. The scumbag silicons know that too. You tend to get targeted by their wrath and get beaten for little reasons.

For fun: You respect ALL life. Including Pete, Ian, Runtime, Etc.

Re: Your IC has 1 Main / Sub Skill, what is it?

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2016 11:23 pm
by Thunder11
New version for Jazmin with fancy new yackem style

Main skill: Higher Authority; Your position as a CentComm Commander makes it easier to pressure high ranking crew members into carrying our your orders

Sub skill: Ni shagu nazad; Gain damage resistance and increased damage when you stand your ground against an attacker

Flaw: Rash Action; You are prone to jumping head first into danger without allowing any chance for second thoughts to kick in

For fun: Catgirl; You possess a genetic modification granting you a pair of catlike ears and a tail

Re: Your IC has 1 Main / Sub Skill, what is it?

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2016 12:40 am
by Ezel
Django Fluke

Main skillLucky bastard; You often more win luck based things like 5 bullets russian revolver

Sub SkillThieving;You are used to steal and get away with it

Flaw Victimized; Off all the poeple the murderer/Hostile mob would target will be likely you

For fun:Hatless;Never wear a head your hair is your robustness

Re: Your IC has 1 Main / Sub Skill, what is it?

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2016 12:58 am
by ShadowDimentio
David Whyvenyr

Primary Skill: Scientist

David's skill in the field of science is undeniable, much to everyone else's displeasure. Performs work in Xenobiology and R&D twice as fast as anyone else.

Sub Skill: Stunning

He has mastery in the art of stunning. All stuns last x1.25 as long.

Primary Deficit: Track Record

Security just do not like him. When arrested, brig time is doubled for any crime regardless of guilt. All complaints of injustice are ignored.

Sub Deficit: Hostile

Very irritable and loud. Arguments always escalate if he doesn't get his way, often into force,

Re: Your IC has 1 Main / Sub Skill, what is it?

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2016 2:35 am
by PKPenguin321
oh are we doing flaws now?

Lauser McMauligan

Flaw: Cuckold
Frequently gets fucked hard by RNG. Happens especially often if he's beginning to do something cool.

Sub flaw: Lazy
Despite being able to do pretty much all of the shit on the station, but lacks the motivation to actually do most of it. He'd rather be an atmos tech with minimal responsibilities, y'know?

Re: Your IC has 1 Main / Sub Skill, what is it?

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2016 4:16 am
by iamgoofball
pros: codes shit to bfuf myaseefl


Re: Your IC has 1 Main / Sub Skill, what is it?

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2016 4:54 am
by PKPenguin321
fugg goofball wins

Re: Your IC has 1 Main / Sub Skill, what is it?

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2016 2:10 am
by kevinz000
Mekhi Anderson
Trait: Combat Reflexes: Tends to react to situations quicker/with a more violent method of resolution
Trait: Luck: RNG favors him
Flaw: Spray and Pray: Misses 50% of the time
Flaw: Poor Grip: Tends to easily get slipped as he does not react to slippery surfaces as well
Flaw: Overconfidence: Tends to engage a whole crowd of people at once, and normally end up retreating with heavy injuries after realizing you can't take on 10 gangsters with a telescopic griffstick.
Trait/Flaw: Relies extensively on advanced technology to win his battles. EMPs should mess him up very badly.
Trait: Pandemic: Extremely proficient at making viruses

Re: Your IC has 1 Main / Sub Skill, what is it?

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2016 8:08 am
by Raphaella
Raphaella Beckett

Primary - Augmented: Her eyes possess a medical implant, doing away with the need for a standard MediHUD (although she'll still wear one for the style points, really) and her right forearm has been replaced with a cybernetic equivalent... which, sadly, makes her a tad vulnerable to electrical storms and EMPs.

Sub - Military Doctor: Wartime experiences on an outpost with a considerable lack of proper medical tech have, out of necessity, increased her knowledge of less conventional medicine and given her an increased chance of success while performing surgery with improvised items (knives, cleavers, etc.).

Re: Your IC has 1 Main / Sub Skill, what is it?

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2016 8:11 pm
by Amelius
Ememely Ranger.

Main Skill:

Level Playing Field
Effect: Can make any sort of slippery substance into an extraordinarily dangerous weapon. Has a small chance to backfire in a hilarious fashion.

Sub Skills:

Slippery Motherfucker
Quadruple difficulty in handling her as a prisoner, even while cuffed. Double escape attempt dice rolls.

(Passive) Infinite Salt Works
Creates oodles of salt by simply existing. Triples all identification attempt rolls, and doubles hostility of all crewmembers. Triples all security readiness and paranoia if nearby.


Skill Mastery
Proficient at all jobs on the station to, at a minimum, a moderate standard.


Engages in fights heavily stacked against her, regardless of the risks or difficulty.

Temporal anomalies follow her wherever she goes, hindering her randomly.

Halve reputation and trust with all non-bloodthirsty crew members. Double chance of being targeted by conversion antagonists.

Feels the need to search every backpack, pocket, and so forth for anything she can exploit to her end. Overfills her own pockets and backpack with so much stuff, that the wieldiness of core items such as ammunition and weaponry suffer as a result.

RNG never works in her favour. Doubles the chance of fluking as an antagonist.

Re: Your IC has 1 Main / Sub Skill, what is it?

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2016 4:46 am
by iamgoofball
iamgoofball wrote:me
pros: codes shit to bfuf myaseefl


Re: Your IC has 1 Main / Sub Skill, what is it?

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2016 7:38 am
by kazeespada
Sin Fuzen
Main Skill: Arson
Everything burns so much better when you light it on fire!
The atmos hardsuit is always within grasp if not worn. Always.

Saurok Khan
Main Skill: Last Khan of the Lizard Empire
Does not go into critical, fights until dead.
Secondary Skill: Dragon of Atmos
Can breathe motherfucking fire!

Re: Your IC has 1 Main / Sub Skill, what is it?

Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2016 6:33 am
by yackemflam
Jose Sanchez

Main skill: Ignored
No one gives a shit about you, and with good reason, whenever you try to do covert stuff, you are 80% LESS likely to get caught.

Sub skill: Hard working
You clean quickly. You clean floors twice as fast when you use a mop.

Flaw: A fucking liar
You really aren't mexican, all you say is 'Que?' and that's it. Get ready to get lynched if caught.

For fun:Heavy Drinker
You drink, a lot.

Re: Your IC has 1 Main / Sub Skill, what is it?

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2016 12:49 am
by CrunchyCHEEZIT
Joseph McJohn
Main Skill - "Flexible": You aren't the best at any job, but you are capable of playing every normal job with moderate competence
Sub Skill - "Metagrudge": When you die, you are less likely to be cloned or defibbed, but you have a higher chance of becoming something else as a ghost (Xeno, Posibrain, ect.)
Flaw - "Stage Fright": Despite your main skill, you are incapable of playing as any Heads of Staff and you have lower proficiency with Antagonist Roles, unless there are other Antagonists willing to support you.

Good Eats
Main Skull - "EAT SHIT COMDOM": You cause more damage to notable/relevant individuals (antags, heads)
Sub SKill - "Fligger": You are too retarded to use actual weaponry like guns, but you are far more profecient with conventional weaponry (toolboxes, spears)
Flaw - "Swat The Fly": Whenever combat breaks out, you are the primary target of everyone involved, even if you arent relevant to the situation.

Re: Your IC has 1 Main / Sub Skill, what is it?

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2016 12:20 pm
by srifenbyxp
Oh my god this thread is still going