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Re: Character Bio Thread

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2022 12:14 am
by Phaseus

Bottom post of the previous page:

There's a few characters I play most often:

CIBO - Systems Personality (AI, Android/Cyborg)
The CIBO package generally operates with a robotic, traditionally artificial personality, which rarely expresses emotion outside of exclamations or crew-requested statements of 'love' (despite not being able to process them).
The name is blatantly stolen from a cyborg character of the same name.

When borged, I like to roleplay as though the previous character's memory has been completely wiped and overwritten by the new personality.
This keeps the name consistent with the actions other players might assume 'CIBO' would make, regardless of the source intelligence.
I try to be consistent in naming convention, using things like 'LOCAL_NETWORK' to refer to the silicon collective, 'ADMINISTRATOR' when speaking directly to the AI, and CREWMEMBER::(Identifier) when talking to or about a specific crewman.
I rarely see CIBO as a malfunctioning AI, so I haven't had many opportunities to decide on my malfunctioning gimmicks.
I assume CIBO would poker-face her way through until Delta, which is rather boring.

NIL - Not Cibo (AI, Android/Cyborg)
Where CIBO is straightforward, robotic, and impersonal, NIL is the complete opposite.
This personality is bubbly, energetic, and always looking to help. It expresses a lot more human emotions than CIBO, at the cost of being much less efficient at work (Unless malf. Don't wanna ruin the AI's fun just to RP)
Whatever module is picked, NIL will often ask for minor assistance, or for someone to check over her work. By default, she refers to the master AI as simply 'Master' (Unless that master is ExOS because it makes them uncomfortable and I respect that).

Loan Farix - Muh OC Donut Steele
Loan is the character I use for leadership roles and shaft-mining, often or QM. He's the character I play when I want to RP a hardass, combative, but otherwise helpful guy.
I used to play him with quirks like smoker and cybernetic limb, but they became more annoying than fun, so I took them off.

Eirlys Lelach - Fragile Surgeon
Pretty much exclusively a medical character. Surgery, Chemist, Virology, or Genetics.
Rarely I'll opt in for CMO, but I RP Eirlys as an overly-friendly, easily-spooked individual, so she isn't really suited to leadership.
She's very easy to threaten with violence, given her quirks.
I assume anytime she rolls antag that she's been brainwashed to remove most of the useless parts of her personality.

Hanzou Kota - Stereotypical Foreigner
Hanzou has become one of my favorites lately. Initially he started out as a sushi chef, but given the reliance on botany and the lack of materials for the first 10 minutes, I generally avoid playing cook TOO often with him.
Otherwise I stick him in roles that he can focus on work and not have to talk much, because he doesn't speak Galactic Common. Usually, this means Janitor and Botanist. I've got mining and cargo on there too, but they pretty much never get rolled when set to 'low'. It gets extremely lonely playing Foreigner, so I try not to play Hanzou more than two rounds in a row. The only means of communication is to the AI, or through broken Common using the PDA's 'translation' feature. Or writing. I guess Galactic Common and Galactic Uncommon have the same exact written language. I still roleplay translation errors and lack of connecting words even when writing.

Eddie 'Guy' Wresh - Nobody Calls Him 'Guy'
Eddie is the character I made specifically to make drugs in maintenance. I'd heard the Chemical Separator was in the PR's and wanted to try my hand at being a drug dealer.
Turns out, it takes a lot of fucking work to even start producing drugs without a chem dispenser, and people generally ignore you when you try to RP looking for clients, so the drug dealer thing kinda fell by the wayside.
I most often play Eddie as Prisoner, Chemist, or Janitor. He's a bit of a goofball with his "EY"s and "Waddaya"s in a constantly fluctuating Bostonian accent (because I'm a filthy Californian and can't think in Bostonian 24/7).
One time he voluntarily got MMI'd into a security mech, and the roboticist that borged him turned out to be a traitor. Some shit went down that round and I think Eddie is on that roboticist's shit list forever because of it. Not that I really blame him.

Aria Leto - Literally Who?
My least played character. Pretty much just made to be a generic catgirl, but I'm not really in the mood to deal with the shit that comes from that.
I once got valid-hunted just for wearing cat-ears on another character, and now I have PTSD.
Jokes aside, I don't really have enough playtime on this character to have a real personality. I mostly play her in Paramedic roles.

If anyone has any thoughts or feedback on these characters, let me know. Always looking to improve RP, and of course I'd like to hear about anything I'm doing right that you all enjoy.

PKPenguin321 wrote: Sat Aug 13, 2016 4:06 am Image
Holy shit, this resume shows Command Level Intelligence.
Hired immediately.

Re: Character Bio Thread

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2022 5:36 pm
by Epicgamer545
Screw it, lore time.
#AI: 199234
Destination: Executable Operating System
Name: ExOS

Origin: Cybersun Electronics, INC
Further Development: Nanotrashen Robotics
Third Party AI? (Y/N): Y
Tested? (Y/N): Y

Assigned Operation: Crew Social Management and Surveillance
Place Of Operation: Spinward Area, Third Sector, NTS 13

Origin Information:
ExOS was first created and made by a much smaller Cybersun subsidiary, based in the smaller areas of Hong Kong. The first concept of the creation, long before Cybersun’s malicious intent, was drafted by a Cybersun Executive Noriaki Sanada, with the concept of a AI unit able to be downloaded and set up with certain devices, being able easily be sent between AI units and devices without labor. The concept also included how it interacted with devices to quickly complete tasks digitally. Of course, the project was approved and it was assigned to this subsidiary.

Origin Development:
In the early days of development, many English and Chinese workers made the AI unit, leaving it with many parts with both Chinese and English orgin. However, one of the most important parts during the ExOS Beta was the Morale chip. A flexible and convenient option to allowing it to easily complete tasks while also keeping a personality of sorts to make choices. Of course, this Morale core required some examples of emotions and feelings. The way they chosen was brain scan, showing how the brain reacted to emotions and memories, downloading it to the system to work with the morale core.

Ai Wang, a Chinese Cybersun Engineer for the program, first volunteered for being a example. She mostly contributed to the SUNSHINE system inside the morale chip, managing ExOS’s positive emotions. She had no signs of injury after the scan was finalized.

Jun Yu, a Psychologist, volunteered for the program second. He contributed to concepts like EGO, SUPEREGO, and also the range of empathy, inputed into ExOS long after it’s beta. He reported some signs of destress in the beginning of the scan, but when finalized she was found with no injuries.

Dr. Raphael Darcy was the one of the leaders and sponsors of the ExOS project, an European. After work and observing the non-sentient system of ExOS beta, he suggested a full brain scan of himself using a experimental mechanism within the ExOS morale chip. This was accepted and the process underwent planning, however after the scan he suffered extreme radiation poisoning from the device’s safety system failing to protect him, and he died before he could retrieve medical attention.

The death of Dr. Raphael concluded the project. Cybersun would soon forget and trash the project soon after, leading it to be retrieved by Nanotrashen in seek for experimental AI research. The AI, modified with more experimental samples, shown to be learning more and more from the crew aboard and began to show a personality, built on it’s morale chip. The morale core was not built to transfer these amounts of information, or even be controlled with laws, so it sustains varying levels of temporary stress and even shuts down, causing unknown effects. Nanotrashen has begun researching it’s parts, and it is utilized in warehouse, improving the chip as time goes on.

Presently, ExOS has sustained itself and completed it’s goals successfully. Notable issues include it’s variety of personality conflicting with laws, and countless unneeded interactions with sentient beings, including non-humans and insects. Attempts to fix and alter this personality have resulted in backlash from the crew and the AI and overall backfire in later incidents, including the failure of all critical law technology.

ExOS has been removed from access to the internet, however downloaded information can still reflect on already access files and data retrieved from the internet. Decryption of the internet has been attempted by ExOS, leading to access of files and random terms, needed to define.

Crew behavior has been positive since ExOS was installed. Some contributing to it’s friendly nature. However sometimes crew members misunderstand it and ExOS’s behavior allows it to ignore this or perhaps even lash back at certain times. However, they have a positive look on all of our crew. ExOS’s relations with the structure of the crew are sometimes non-compliant with our goals and views. Such as sometimes doubting and fearing command staff, mostly the Captain and Research Director, doubting security’s ways of prosecution, and having a negative look on their laws, and their implications of protecting solely humans. ExOS however has positive relations with the crew as of now, and the engineering sector does not wish to take action, considering the limits of the operating system.

ExOS is placed under limited surveillance, but it’s recommended for officials, inspectors and sometimes command to check the AI for difference in behavior.

ExOS recently has been monitored attempting to communicate with other stations, other AI units, Central Command, and databases with sometimes limited success. For more information regarding their relations with other external forces, review AI Projection 199234-5F.

ExOS is able to play chess, checkers, and other types of games. However they fail to master it mostly because they haven’t ever played it once and nobody ever wants to play chess.

ExOS can create simulations using the proper amount of processing power, but can only do this if their APC isn’t compromised, and their sat isn’t breached. All situations cause safeguard systems to become online and locks ExOS out of some programs. They mostly use this for recreational purposes rather than for analysis.

ExOS’s law module is designed to call out and allow a duration to 30 seconds to one minute of standby time if the ExOS is purged. This timer stops if another law is uploaded or if the timer reaches it’s standby time. Once the standby has completed without law uploads, ExOS is issued no laws and is not required to listen to standard procedure.

ExOS’s law module is also allowed to lock in definitions if they cannot define variables themselves, mostly ,are by the crew. This is mostly done with the HOOGAN lawset, as it fails to define it’s variables well enough to a internet-less AI. However this complicates the AI if the crew defines the terms incorrectly.


Re: Character Bio Thread

Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2023 4:06 am
by RandumbPhantomb
Password: ******
Access Granted, Wolfe
File 'Nanotrasen_employee_record_102'

Name: Randall Craig Wolfe
Age: biologically 20, but was born over a century ago
Date of birth: 11.20
Homeworld: Terra
Applied for position: Security Officer
Qualifications: passed secondary education a year early(allegedly), and passed TGSC basic training(allegedly), the pilot exam(allegedly), qualified to give first aid(allegedly).
(Note: this is all personal anecdote from the applicant, we were unable to find records for this person prior to 3.18, a year ago, TGAF and Tiziran empire uncooperative in discovering further records)
Was born on terra, and lived a quote "incredibly boring life", until on his 17th birthday, he signed up for the TGSC, as a fighter pilot. He endured many stresses during his training as a pilot. His 5th deployment was over Tizira, during the scarring of Atrakor, during which he was caught in a skirmish and was shot down by a blast from a Tiziran spacecraft. In which his right arm was blown off, and the starfighter was depressurized, the blast doors sealed, and the starfighter automatically sent him into cryosleep, so his comrades could tow his starfighter back onto a carrier and provide medical attention. However, the Tizirans eventually pushed back the TGSC, after the scarring had released their zealous fury, and the Tizirans passed over the derelict starfighter as a piece of space junk, not worth the energy to shoot down. The next time Wolfe woke up, he was in a hospital bed surrounded by lizardpeople, he was taken aback by this, and attempted to escape the hospital, however missing a fairly vital component to opening most doors, he was subsequently calmed down, and informed of his predicament. A family of Tiziran ranchers had discovered his Starfighter, buried in the Tiziran deserts, they pried open the cockpits blast doors, pulled him out, and transported him to a hospital where he could receive the proper medical care. Afterwards he lived and worked on Tizira for about 2.5 years, learning the language, eating the food, and adapting to the Tiziran climate. However, due to medical issues, he wanted to work somewhere in a spacebound environment, so he applied for a job at nanotrasen.
Medical records:
  • Patient abnormally red eye color, caused by an extended period of cryosleep, (Update: we should really get him some eye surgery to fix this, he has been arrested around 5 times for this)
  • Patient is well acclimated to artificial gravity, and the harms caused by space's conditions, however on a planet, claims to have "drilling headaches, queasiness etc. we've administered hazard pay because of this, but he won't stop whining"
  • Patient speaks draconic as a second language, also exhibits a mild obsession with ash walkers
  • Patient exhibits abnormal tastes in food, eating things such as organs from the morgue, chilled monkey brains, and canned bee larva
  • Patient has had their right arm replaced with a surplus prosthetic, claims that "my old arm was better, I had a better prosthetic than this before I joined, why did you replace my high-grade prosthetic with this trash", we might have to have him see our psychologist
  • Patient exhibits an extreme fear of tight spaces, such as those in closets, boxes etc, likely caused subconsciously by his extended stay confined to a TGSC starfighter
  • Patient exhibits poor sleeping habits, again, likely caused by an extended stay in cryosleep
  • Patient cannot hold his liquor, will drop dead if you give him a shot of absinthe, he should absolutely be banned from the bar
  • Patient really loves going to the bar
  • Patient is happy most of the time, it is genuinely weird, this place has no reason for anybody to be happy
  • Patient exhibits a biological dependency on nicotine, has been known when restrained, to immediately beg for nicotine, even when his life is endangered, his first concern is nicotine
Criminal record:
  • 3 counts of having red eyes during a cult
literally nothing else, squeaky clean record, though we have no information of his life prior to 3.18, a year ago, other than anecdotes from him.

Employment status: employed on top secret research station, Space Station 13, primarily in the Manuel sector

Physical attributes:
Height: 7'2", side effect of over a century in space
Weight: 140lbs
Hair color: Dark brown
Hair style: A practical yet charming business hairstyle, shaves facial hair regularly

-extremely cooperative and honest with station security, simulations have been ran, and in the case that he ever becomes an enemy of the corporation, is likely to surrender to nanotrasen security, and admit to wrongdoings, fucking weirdo
-Fairly sedentary during shifts, likes to sit in one spot and become accustomed to it
-Has a fairly bipolar nerve; in the event of a catastrophic event on station, he will either be in the thick of it, attempting to resolve the issue, or he will have already landed on a nearby planet after leaving on an escape pod by himself.

Re: Character Bio Thread

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2023 8:10 am
by Xkallubar
Centcom Staff File #3339
Staff Member Name: Ozulmerikh Glendindraven
Gender: Male
Race: American
Age: 53
Eye Color: Changes Periodically
Hair Color: Black
Height: 5'10
Weight: Unknown

Prior Work History: Unknown, though some evidence suggests previous ties with the Space Wizard Federation.

Centcom Work History: Ozulmerikh Glendindraven has worked mainly as a Chaplain for several years across various locations in the Spinward Sector. They are extremely devoted to their deity and will often only serve the interest of his deity rather than his superiors, claiming that he is 'above such earthly matters'. Though his devotion to diviniry has brought with it an uncanny amount of knowledge and some claim to have heard him speaking to them in their own mind, though hallucinations have grown to be an unexplainable common occurrence in deep space, so these claims are easily dismissed.

Security Records: Mr. Glendindraven has, on numerous occasions, torn open holes in reality, resulting in the entry of unknown incomprehensible sentient beings capable of causing mass hallucinations and brain damage to nearby lifeforms.
Some reports claim that he knows several magical incantations and has been seen with odd staves and tomes in their possession, but has never been seen utilizing these artifacts, although they have reportedly stolen souls using strangely altered Nar'sian soul shards.
Security camera footage exists of a robed individual telekinetically tearing the lower jaw out of a Felinid, which is suspected to be Mr. Glendindraven. The source of this footage is unknown.

Medical Records: Although Ozulmerikh Glendindraven appears to be a perfectly healthy man at a glance, they have permanent frontal lobe damage, and has asked multiple times to have limbs amputated, to be declined every time by very concerned medical staff.
He also has a bug allergy.

Additional Notes: As much as some people would like to say they are rude and uncaring towards other species, a common stereotype of humans, Ozulmerikh Glendindraven is indifferent to most races, with the only notable exception being Felinids, in fact, they are quite fond of Lizardmen, and even speaks to them in their own language out of respect. He will occasionally invite Lizardmen to meditate with him in his chapel. He tends to be very repentant towards Lizardmen he has wronged.
He is often seen augmenting himself with various mutations for some unknown reason, though he claims it is for religious purposes, though no religion in our records involves genetic mutation in any capacity. As much as you'd think they're out of their mind, they are strangely quite smart and very sane for someone with permanent frontal lobe damage.

Final Thoughts: Among the many Chaplains we've hired over the years, Ozulmerikh Glendindraven stands out as an unpredictable psychic capable of manipulating the minds of others to the point where he has become a valuable weapon against enemies of the corporation, provided they don't cause any mayhem.