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Re: Your IC has 1 Main / Sub Skill, what is it?

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2021 1:02 am
by Jonathan Gupta

Bottom post of the previous page:

Name: Jonathan Gupta

Robust: Able to defeat anyone in a fight on /tg/


Permabanned: Cannot log onto /tg/

Re: Your IC has 1 Main / Sub Skill, what is it?

Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2021 6:49 pm
by Omega_DarkPotato
Ewe Kant
Main skill: EMT.
Carries everything needed for surgery, all the time, anywhere. Given a good minute of downtime, just about any mortal or immortal wound can be tended to. This skill does not use charges, and can be used repeatedly without need of rest.

Subskill: Silver-plated tongue.
Has a higher chance for favorable outcomes due to being quick on the draw with a good word here or there. Percentage buff to outcome is dependent on the severity of the circumstance - minor things like getting a part from RnD are more likely to succeed than talking your way out of being murdered in cold blood.

Flaw: Unrobust.
Has a decreased chance for favorable outcomes in combat, and all attacks not done from stealth are at a disadvantage. Character is more likely to run during combat.

Main Skill: Former Moth Fleet Pirate.
Character has proficiency in explosives, engineering, use of nonlethal weaponry, and space operations. Moth Fleet Pirates do not have a proficiency in lethal weapons, and instead make up for this deficiency in increased engineering and technical capabilities.

Subskill: Alcoholic.
Increased resistance to alcohol, as well as proficiency in the production, mixing, or knowledge about various alcohols and mixed drinks.

Flaws: Alcoholic, Debtor, Pessimist.
Uses, and in some cases, abuses, alcohol as a coping mechanism for bad moods. Minor chance for alcohol poisoning, which results in vomiting, blackouts, or low toxin damage.
Carries a significant debt due to an unstated event in his past. The vast majority of gained income will go to paying off this debt of an unstated size.
Looks at the glass half-empty. Has a minor negative moodlet often, finding it slightly harder to gain positive moodlets or attain the Happy status. See as well: Depression, the major variant of this flaw.

Re: Your IC has 1 Main / Sub Skill, what is it?

Posted: Sat Oct 30, 2021 11:41 pm
by Capsandi
Nat Wheeler
Pros to being a Nat Wheeler:
1. You love chugging menthol, its like your heroine bro, pure menthol is just that good
2. You are Nat Wheeler, chicks dig that name
Cons to being a Nat Wheeler:
1. You are generic greyshirt incarnate, and such your best moments will be attributed to some other guy named Lemon or Clark or Seth or dan or tennis
2. Remembering names is hard, so you go by vaguely similar pseudonyms

Re: Your IC has 1 Main / Sub Skill, what is it?

Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2022 11:09 pm
by BlevRuz
Main Skill: being a literal fucking skeleton
You've mastered the art of standing so perfectly still that people just assume you're SSD.
Subskill: depression
You feel like shit for no discernable reason. This is good actually because it means spending full minutes lying on the floor doesnt feel noticeably worse.

Re: Your IC has 1 Main / Sub Skill, what is it?

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2022 2:44 pm
by cacogen
main skill: joe rogan experience

subskill: knife to throat

Re: Your IC has 1 Main / Sub Skill, what is it?

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2022 10:49 pm
by Addust
Addust Johnson:

Main Skill: Retro Gunman
Use of a retro laser gun improves combat efficiency over a regular laser gun by up to 25%, and in close-quarters engagements by 50%.

Subskill: Of The Void
Capable of turning even the most dangerous wreckages in the infinite abyss into useful outposts within about ten minutes give or take.

Subskill: Cold and Calculated
Extreme efficiency with available tools. Can figure out ways to turn anything into a killing machine, whether it be bolas in an improv cannon or-DROP. THAT SYNDICATE FIGHTER. NOW. DROP IT. GET OFF. STOP STOP S-

Syndicate Subskill: Lightning
Upon acquiring a Syndicate explosive, capable of causing rapid shuttleborne attacks against certain departments.

Flaw: What's a disabler anyway?
Much worse with stun weapons. Does not apply when as Security, replaced with a different flaw.

Flaw: Slowpoke
During hazardous situations, has trouble gathering appropriate weaponry. Often just gets weaponry without need.

Security Flaw: Lesser Deadweight


Main Skill: Quarantine
Immediate and rapid quarantining of areas is easy to this AI, and is in fact standard.

Subskill: Hey why's that thing spicy?
Upon notice of a supermatter failure, attempts immediate shutdown.

Syndicate Subskill: HOLD ON TO THE WALLS, DIPASS
...yea the gravity generator's gone. Where has it gone? In the AI core. You can't get it back. It will never return.

Flaw: Refreshes Slightly Faster than Windows 95
Law changes are occasionally missed. CentCom has been notified and rapid correction is often provided.

Flaw: Mild Unrobustness
If malf, increased chance of just fucking dying for no particular reason whatsoever.

Re: Your IC has 1 Main / Sub Skill, what is it?

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2022 3:00 am
by Shadowflame909
Owen Kimple

Main Skill: Berserk Button
Intentional misspelling of his last name sends him into a fury. Temporary buff to speed, focus, and tabling damage. Temporary decrease of wisdom and int

Subskill: Underdog Story
Has a slightly increased chance of finding permanent buffs throughout the shift.