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Grav Gen and AI placement, a Boxstation struggle

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2016 4:42 am
by Sidon
Alright, so currently we have another pr that will put the AI back in the center of the station (, and moving the grav gen next to the engine again. While this moves it away from telecomms, making it a less juicy target for bombs, the engine will knock them all out anyway. Bombs are harder to get than releasing the engine, which will cause even more damage if rngesus is feeling nice. In this regard, Box's placement of the grav gen is superior to Meta.

Now in this pr Kor suggested putting it near the chapel, and while that sounds nice it's going to make it super easy to sabotage. Having it in the center of the station is the best for balance, as it's not too secure but also not easy to just turn off. Also unlike the AI being there, it makes the bridge area a less juicy target for bombs and the like as well.

I personally think boxstation is fine at this point, and I feel like the game has moved way past having the AI in the center.

Re: Grav Gen and AI placement, a Boxstation struggle

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2016 7:06 am
by callanrockslol
CosmicScientist wrote:The AI should live in the cloud.
AI lives in every APC at once, damage to too many APCs damages the AIs ability to do things and forces it to return to an AI core to have enough processing power to be useful.