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Re: Coderbus Boogaloo Pt. II: Still Shitty

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2015 9:57 am
by Steelpoint

Bottom post of the previous page:

Also I was not doubling TC's I was only giving traitors 10 more TC's as well as working to balance certain powerful items such as bombs.

Though we will never know what additional balancing we would have done since you closed the PR well before any good in-depth discussion could occur, and then triggered the whole situation that ruined any chance of a good discussion for well over a week.

Re: Coderbus Boogaloo Pt. II: Still Shitty

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2015 11:11 am
by Luke Cox
Steelpoint wrote:Also I was not doubling TC's I was only giving traitors 10 more TC's as well as working to balance certain powerful items such as bombs.

Though we will never know what additional balancing we would have done since you closed the PR well before any good in-depth discussion could occur, and then triggered the whole situation that ruined any chance of a good discussion for well over a week.
See, this part is what gets me. I'd totally understand the coderbus rejecting the change after a reasonable discussion, but closing the PR before discussion can take place and banning the person who made it is fucking unacceptable on all levels.

Re: Coderbus Boogaloo Pt. II: Still Shitty

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2015 11:14 am
Cheridan wrote:You don't know who I'm calling unappeasable, beyond the one person I mentioned. The list currently clocks in at 7 whole people, tracked by my forum block list and they certainly didn't pop up suddenly.

@Dorsidarf: The end goal was the same regardless, to increase the power of traitors.

The difference is, yours had some actual thought behind it.

Doubing TC would have COMPLETELY FUCKED Double Agent mode, which is already a clusterfuck as an increased number of traitors all attempt to simultaneously blow up the station so the guy trying to kill them dies too.
I find the notion that there was no idea behind increasing traitor TC insulting. There were multiple threads with polls and argumentation provided why an increase in traitor TC would improve the mode.

Re: Coderbus Boogaloo Pt. II: Still Shitty

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2015 2:12 pm
by callanrockslol
Are you people still being dumb and trying to Cheridan of all people? It doesn't matter what you do or say he isn't going to admit he might not be right.

Cheridan seriously, when you write shit like:
Cheridan wrote:You misinterpret me. I don't give a shit WHAT YOU IN PARTICULAR THINK. You are not Head Of Playerbus. You are not the community. You are a plague, a mewling saltbaby, a tryhard who pretends to be good at the game and writes 3-page essays whenever something ruins your sad facade by wrecking your shit in hopes of getting it nerfed.
It shows that you are getting pretty upset about this, you are getting upset about spacemans. You are actively insulting someone that hasn't exactly been doing anything other than give fairly detailed feedback about stuff. Considering that almost everyone that isn't in bus regularly that is posting in this thread has supported what he is saying to some degree might show that he has some feel for the game and actually have opinions on this issue more in line with the community than yours are. But instead you call him a bunch of names and attempt to dismiss him.

You are being a dick. Please get off the high horse, its dead and you are being buried with it.

NTstation2: Github takeover society soon. lol jks

Re: Coderbus Boogaloo Pt. II: Still Shitty

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2015 3:26 pm
by Oldman Robustin
Cheridan wrote: You misinterpret me. I don't give a shit WHAT YOU IN PARTICULAR THINK. You are not Head Of Playerbus. You are not the community. You are a plague, a mewling saltbaby, a tryhard who pretends to be good at the game and writes 3-page essays whenever something ruins your sad facade by wrecking your shit in hopes of getting it nerfed.
Oh man, I'm tickled, you really don't understand how deeply you've deluded yourself. I don't use phrases like "community" unless I'm explicitly referring to an issue that has >50% support on the relevant forum thread, or I'm referring to Coderbus behavior toward these forums and the community they represent, not anyone/anything that *I* represent, since I have no goddamn illusions about my role here. You're trying really hard to build that strawman and it's not going to work.

Only iota of truth present in your comment is that I write a lot. It's fucking hilarious that you're going to fault someone for lengthy feedback when just a week ago you went on a similar rant in this very thread about how I wasn't doing enough to communicate my thoughts to coders just goes to show the extent of the deluded little narrative you've built up to justify why you're still right and everyone who criticizes you is wrong.
Cheridan wrote:What isn't a valid source of feedback is someone who's completely unappeasable, and will never be satisfied whatever you do. Which Shitpostin has absolutely proven himself.
Let's look through our comment histories and see which of us looks like they're trying to improve the game and which of us is a Platinum member of the Shitposter's Club.

It's hard to be unappeasable when you've done absolutely nothing to appease anyone here. The best evidence you can put forward is "Well when I was completely wrong about something and insulted everyone who disagreed with me, I didn't unilaterally close a PR that addressed the issue at a later point". When "not doing anything" is the best point of your defense, maybe that says something about what kind of job you're doing. You want a role model, look at Ikkarus and his Gang War thread. He consistently interacted with this forum for feedback, was extremely responsive to concerns, and even where he disagreed with someone he would explain his reasoning and be respectful about it.

It really shouldn't be a surprise that Gang War went from "worse than meteor mode" to "contender for top game mode" in a matter of weeks. That sort of behavior is what you should aspire for, and to the extent you're just not willing to engage in that kind of dialogue with the community while still retaining absolute authority over "the direction of the game" - maybe you should let someone else take the reins.

Also Re: The Traitor TC shitshow. For a bus that chants "improve not remove" like a goddamn cult, you'd think they would see the merits in letting Steelpoint tweak TC costs in the 20->30 change rather than just completely shutting it down within a few hours. The thread I created spurring the change already referenced stuff like crates/kits and other big-ticket items as needing a proportional upgrade too, there was never any doubt that the PR was going to go through a few edits to account for that stuff. But you just completely shut it down and are trying to pretend now that nobody else saw what needed to be fixed.

Re: Coderbus Boogaloo Pt. II: Still Shitty

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2015 6:28 pm
by Amelius
Cheridan wrote:hehehe strawman iota criticize criticize

i'm yoou
> I have no argument so I'll put out something in a mocking tone, ignoring the content of the message.


Re: Coderbus Boogaloo Pt. II: Still Shitty

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2015 7:15 pm
by Cheridan
Amelius wrote:
Cheridan wrote:hehehe strawman iota criticize criticize

i'm yoou
> I have no argument so I'll put out something in a mocking tone, ignoring the content of the message.

More like any proper response I make will get Debate Clubbed to death, so I'm saving myself time while enjoying myself by baiting him into another wall of text.

Oh I missed "unilaterally" while mocking him.

fyi amelius you're one of the 7 i mentioned

Re: Coderbus Boogaloo Pt. II: Still Shitty

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2015 8:11 pm
by Falamazeer
Cheridan wrote:People who call me out on being directionless are part of a super secret list of opinion holders I exclude, so that way only feedback that agrees with my preconceived notions are valid, My approval rating is now 100%
Wow. really?

Re: Coderbus Boogaloo Pt. II: Still Shitty

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2015 9:25 pm
by invisty
You people need a bit more tact. If your idea of getting what you want is to shout each other down with your opinions and insults and have a popularity contest to be the determining factor in resolution, the net result will be undoubtedly negative.

It doesn't matter how well thought out your viewpoint is, and there are some really good, well-thought out discussions going on here.

Re: Coderbus Boogaloo Pt. II: Still Shitty

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2015 9:48 pm
by Luke Cox
invisty wrote:You people need a bit more tact. If your idea of getting what you want is to shout each other down with your opinions and insults and have a popularity contest to be the determining factor in resolution, the net result will be undoubtedly negative.

It doesn't matter how well thought out your viewpoint is, and there are some really good, well-thought out discussions going on here.
They're screaming at a brick wall. I understand where you're coming from, but the reason they feel the way they do is because they've attempted to give constructive feedback, and immediately shut down.

Re: Coderbus Boogaloo Pt. II: Still Shitty

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2015 10:41 pm
by Falamazeer
After robustin tried every other method of communication and been shut down. he's entitled to some screaming.

Re: Coderbus Boogaloo Pt. II: Still Shitty

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2015 10:54 pm
by oranges
Steelpoint wrote:Can we stop shitposting in a thinly veiled attempt in getting this thread locked?

I'm not one for conspiracy theories but it seems a lot of the higher up coders are just shitposting in this thread, if I did not know better I would attribute malicious attempt behind those posts.
Or because the thread is pointlessly cucked!

Re: Coderbus Boogaloo Pt. II: Still Shitty

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2015 11:06 pm
by Xhagi
All I'm getting out of this thread is that Oldman is pretty much right. Can't form a counter argument so will shitpost instead is far from a great idea of getting ones point across.

Re: Coderbus Boogaloo Pt. II: Still Shitty

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2015 11:07 pm
by Scott
Did you read the OP?

Re: Coderbus Boogaloo Pt. II: Still Shitty

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2015 11:33 pm
by Cheridan
Scott wrote:Did you read the OP?
I sure didn't.

Re: Coderbus Boogaloo Pt. II: Still Shitty

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2015 12:44 am
by Falamazeer
Cheridan wrote:
Scott wrote:Did you read the OP?
I sure didn't.
This is why people don't like you.

Re: Coderbus Boogaloo Pt. II: Still Shitty

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2015 12:51 am
Well I think everyone's stance is perfectly clear by now.

The question now is what is going to be done.

Re: Coderbus Boogaloo Pt. II: Still Shitty

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2015 1:04 am
by Scones
It's kind of sad that I can't be arsed to read this whole thread, because ForcefulCJS is just a more vitriolic dezzmont.

It's an open codebase that you are capable of contributing to. If people like the OP spent half the time they did writing these rants learning how to code for the game they seem so concerned about, things would not only be different but they would have a lot more room to complain.

I don't think specific incidents of "coder took liberties as a contributor/authority within the codebase" are reason to make extreme rage threads and then never try to fix the problem yourself

Why don't you guys just make and maintain your own fork at this point? Oldmanstation or whatever, you can PR all the balance changes you'd like, who knows, maybe you could convince MSO to swap to it.

Doing nothing but shitpost on the forums gives you almost no room to complain.

Re: Coderbus Boogaloo Pt. II: Still Shitty

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2015 1:07 am
by lumipharon
Scones wrote:It's kind of sad that I can't be arsed to read this whole thread, because ForcefulCJS is just a more vitriolic dezzmont.

It's an open codebase that you are capable of contributing to. If people like the OP spent half the time they did writing these rants learning how to code for the game they seem so concerned about, things would not only be different but they would have a lot more room to complain.

I don't think specific incidents of "coder took liberties as a contributor/authority within the codebase" are reason to make extreme rage threads and then never try to fix the problem yourself

Why don't you guys just make and maintain your own fork at this point? Oldmanstation or whatever, you can PR all the balance changes you'd like, who knows, maybe you could convince MSO to swap to it.

Doing nothing but shitpost on the forums gives you almost no room to complain.
This argument holds zero water when we're talking about fixes to non issues that no one asked for or likes, and after 2 months of refusing to admit that literally every person saying it was dumb may be right, makes a 'fix' that still leaves ops fucked, or PR's that get made by 'people like the OP', with large amounts of support, only to get immediately shut down by cheri

Re: Coderbus Boogaloo Pt. II: Still Shitty

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2015 1:14 am
by Scott
Have you actually tried to contribute, or are you just going to cling on to Steelpoint's closed PR forever now?

Re: Coderbus Boogaloo Pt. II: Still Shitty

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2015 1:34 am
by Incomptinence
Well Lumi has reported several bugs on the git in the proper fashion (as has oldman) but hey keep beating the players worthless until they get a merged pull dead horse.

Re: Coderbus Boogaloo Pt. II: Still Shitty

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2015 1:39 am
by Falamazeer
Learn2code is the biggest crock of shit, How about you guys learn2balance?
And the steelpoint fight is a prime example of knowing coding not getting past the problem being pointed out here.

Re: Coderbus Boogaloo Pt. II: Still Shitty

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2015 1:45 am
by invisty
CPTANT wrote:Well I think everyone's stance is perfectly clear by now.

The question now is what is going to be done.
Nothing will change until people realise that the situation is based on a flawed premise. The problem isn't contributors making changes on a whim and denying feedback, the problem is a complete failure to relate to your fellow human being, as evidenced by this entire thread. Let's go back to the OP, and imagine we're Cheridan reading it. Assume that we, as Cheridan, are reasonably happy in our world view. How do we react to this criticism? Do we magically come around to CJS's point of view? He hasn't related at all to our world view in his post, and (not imposing upon Cheridan's thoughts), CJS probably seems like a noisy little upstart who never contributed anything and doesn't know anything about game development ((No insult meant, CJS)). Thus, can we be surprised to see that Cheridan responds with "wow you sure do say a lot of things"? No, honestly, we can't. Because that's the level of expectation we've set for the behaviour of contributors. CJS is right in being upset with Cheridan's response, and I think he is totally in the right to do so. Unfortunately, he's put himself on the back foot from the start, and only succeeds in promoting the status quo of resolving problems by conflict instead of mature discussion and negotiation.

If people intend to improve the quality of coderbus, it isn't going to be achieved by removing people from power when their world-view doesn't fit your own. They will simply be replaced by another person with different opinions - and thus the problem continues forever. If you want to improve the quality of coderbus, everyone needs to be more willing to take criticism and judgement, and they need to be more thoughtful in offering criticism and judgement.

If you don't believe me, ask yourself who the best contributors to tgstation are, and consider how they behave when it comes to offering and receiving criticism and ideas.

Re: Coderbus Boogaloo Pt. II: Still Shitty

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2015 1:48 am
by Luke Cox
I think the people siding with Cheridan don't quite understand what we want. We don't want him to implement every change we want. All we want is communication. No matter how you look at it, Cheridan's attitude is incredibly shitty. He's acting like a spoiled 8 year old.

Re: Coderbus Boogaloo Pt. II: Still Shitty

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2015 1:50 am
by Luke Cox
Luke Cox wrote:I think the people siding with Cheridan don't quite understand what we want. We don't want him to implement every change we want. All we want is communication. No matter how you look at it, Cheridan's attitude is incredibly shitty. He's acting like a spoiled 8 year old.
Scott wrote:Have you actually tried to contribute, or are you just going to cling on to Steelpoint's closed PR forever now?
I'm sure a lot of us would love to, but we're afraid that we'll get shut down if we do anything Cheridan disagrees with.

Re: Coderbus Boogaloo Pt. II: Still Shitty

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2015 1:52 am
by lumipharon
invisty wrote:
CPTANT wrote:Well I think everyone's stance is perfectly clear by now.

The question now is what is going to be done.
Nothing will change until people realise that the situation is based on a flawed premise. The problem isn't contributors making changes on a whim and denying feedback, the problem is a complete failure to relate to your fellow human being, as evidenced by this entire thread. Let's go back to the OP, and imagine we're Cheridan reading it. Assume that we, as Cheridan, are reasonably happy in our world view. How do we react to this criticism? Do we magically come around to CJS's point of view? He hasn't related at all to our world view in his post, and (not imposing upon Cheridan's thoughts), CJS probably seems like a noisy little upstart who never contributed anything and doesn't know anything about game development ((No insult meant, CJS)). Thus, can we be surprised to see that Cheridan responds with "wow you sure do say a lot of things"? No, honestly, we can't. Because that's the level of expectation we've set for the behaviour of contributors. CJS is right in being upset with Cheridan's response, and I think he is totally in the right to do so. Unfortunately, he's put himself on the back foot from the start, and only succeeds in promoting the status quo of resolving problems by conflict instead of mature discussion and negotiation.

If people intend to improve the quality of coderbus, it isn't going to be achieved by removing people from power when their world-view doesn't fit your own. They will simply be replaced by another person with different opinions - and thus the problem continues forever. If you want to improve the quality of coderbus, everyone needs to be more willing to take criticism and judgement, and they need to be more thoughtful in offering criticism and judgement.

If you don't believe me, ask yourself who the best contributors to tgstation are, and consider how they behave when it comes to offering and receiving criticism and ideas.
This thread doesn't exist in isolation. Some guy randomly coming out of nowhere and calling you a cunt is not the same as repeated efforts across multiple platforms getting snubbed, ignored or responded to with smugness or shitty memes.

Re: Coderbus Boogaloo Pt. II: Still Shitty

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2015 2:02 am
by invisty
To be clear, lumi, I'm not assuming it's some sort of one off isolated event. I myself recently had a go at trying to post carefully considered criticism on github, only to receive dismissive one-liners from more than one author.

Re: Coderbus Boogaloo Pt. II: Still Shitty

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2015 2:07 am
by Luke Cox
invisty wrote:To be clear, lumi, I'm not assuming it's some sort of one off isolated event. I myself recently had a go at trying to post carefully considered criticism on github, only to receive dismissive one-liners from more than one author.
And that is our problem with the way coderbus functions. That is what we want to change.

Re: Coderbus Boogaloo Pt. II: Still Shitty

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2015 2:08 am
by iamgoofball
Falamazeer wrote:Learn2code is the biggest crock of shit
Why is this the biggest crock of shit? I want an answer.

Re: Coderbus Boogaloo Pt. II: Still Shitty

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2015 2:10 am
by Scott
The more you paint coderbus as an evil exclusive club, the less new people will want to contribute. Then you end up with only jaded people who don't give a shit about what you say coding for the server, making true the lies you keep spouting.

Re: Coderbus Boogaloo Pt. II: Still Shitty

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2015 2:29 am
by Luke Cox
iamgoofball wrote:
Falamazeer wrote:Learn2code is the biggest crock of shit
Why is this the biggest crock of shit? I want an answer.
Because it doesn't change the fact that even if they did learn to code and contributed, they would just be shot down by the higher ups if they disagree with anything. Why would anybody even want to get involved with coderbus in its current state?
Scott wrote:The more you paint coderbus as an evil exclusive club, the less new people will want to contribute. Then you end up with only jaded people who don't give a shit about what you say coding for the server, making true the lies you keep spouting.
Then stop fucking doing it.

Re: Coderbus Boogaloo Pt. II: Still Shitty

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2015 2:30 am
by Scott
Luke Cox wrote: Because it doesn't change the fact that even if they did learn to code and contributed, they would just be shot down by the higher ups if they disagree with anything. Why would anybody even want to get involved with coderbus in its current state?
This doesn't happen.

Re: Coderbus Boogaloo Pt. II: Still Shitty

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2015 2:32 am
by iamgoofball
Scott wrote:
Luke Cox wrote: Because it doesn't change the fact that even if they did learn to code and contributed, they would just be shot down by the higher ups if they disagree with anything. Why would anybody even want to get involved with coderbus in its current state?
This doesn't happen.

Re: Coderbus Boogaloo Pt. II: Still Shitty

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2015 3:23 am
by Arete
It literally just happened.

Re: Coderbus Boogaloo Pt. II: Still Shitty

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2015 3:36 am
by Falamazeer
iamgoofball wrote:
Falamazeer wrote:Learn2code is the biggest crock of shit
Why is this the biggest crock of shit? I want an answer.
Because coding does not automatically grant competence in game balance, or even good sense.
You don't have to code to contribute relevant ideas, feedback, or criticism, that's why learn2code is a crock of shit.

It's shifting the blame from yourself back at the person complaining. 'You don't like what I cooked? then learn2cook"
And that's reasonable to a point, that point ends when blatant glaring issues are introduced into the meal for seemingly no good reason at all. In no part of the world can you serve dog shit on a plate and expect gratitude, I don't care if it's free. I might try to eat around the shitty parts if I'm hungry enough, but I'm going to speculate loudly and often about how great a meal it could have been if it weren't for all this salt and speckles of dog shit.

In this context specifically, another good reason is that I don't want to be under a maintainer who makes the playerbase hate me.
Shit like this thread, and his handling of it are why words like "schism" and "Cancer" and even "Out of touch" are applied to you as a whole. It's poking the irritated people and leaning on the coderbus and acting like that smug douche in lethal weapon "diplomatic immunity bwahahahaahahahaa" This is exactly the sort of thing that promotes "us" and "them" mentalities.

Re: Coderbus Boogaloo Pt. II: Still Shitty

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2015 4:43 am
by Steelpoint
As I've said before knowing how to code does not automatically grant you intricate knowledge of in game balance and how systems will function.

Re: Coderbus Boogaloo Pt. II: Still Shitty

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2015 4:44 am
by Scott
It does grant you the power to make changes.

Re: Coderbus Boogaloo Pt. II: Still Shitty

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2015 5:54 am
by Luke Cox
Scott wrote:It does grant you the power to make changes.
That's useless if your changes are really shitty, or the people in charge have a terrible vision of what is and isn't shitty.

Re: Coderbus Boogaloo Pt. II: Still Shitty

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2015 6:17 am
by Scott
Code the changes yourself, if you are so great and wise.

Re: Coderbus Boogaloo Pt. II: Still Shitty

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2015 6:51 am
by callanrockslol
Scott wrote:Code the changes yourself, if you are so great and wise.
Give me control of the codebase, I will solve all problems.

Re: Coderbus Boogaloo Pt. II: Still Shitty

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2015 6:52 am
by Konork
Scott wrote:Code the changes yourself, if you are so great and wise.
The whole point of this topic is that people have been trying to do that, but have been rejected with barely any chance for discussion.

Re: Coderbus Boogaloo Pt. II: Still Shitty

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2015 8:22 am
by oranges
you can always make your own codebase if you don't like the design decisions.

These are the great freedoms that RMS has granted upon to thee with his GNU license, so that they may never live under the yoke of an evil dictator ever again.

Thou shalt be able to read the code freely
Thou shalt be able to change the code freely
Thou shalt be able to copy the code and redistribute the changed version with the freedoms intact.

Go forth ye worthy and carve thine own technical destiny.

Re: Coderbus Boogaloo Pt. II: Still Shitty

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2015 8:48 am
by lumipharon
So you're saying that making an entire new codebase, with accompanying servers and playerbase is more reasonable then asking one person to actually listen to player feedback?


Re: Coderbus Boogaloo Pt. II: Still Shitty

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2015 9:23 am
by oranges

Re: Coderbus Boogaloo Pt. II: Still Shitty

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2015 11:50 am
by Luke Cox
Welp, in the span of one thread I've gone from being neutral on the coderbus issue to wanting to beat the shit out of them. The criticisms leveled at them regarding terrible communication and utter dismissal of the community have been completely validated in my eyes. Their attitude is utterly disgusting and even if you don't feel that the community needs to be worried. Responding to somebody who accuses you of communicating poorly with "lol go make your own code" is fucking unproductive and outright juvenile. The coderbus is collectively acting like an 8 year old who don't want anybody else playing with their toys, and quite frankly anybody who replied with the aforementioned comment should be fucking embarrassed. If that is the best you can muster, you don't belong in any position of authority.

Re: Coderbus Boogaloo Pt. II: Still Shitty

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2015 12:17 pm
by Cheridan
invisty wrote:To be clear, lumi, I'm not assuming it's some sort of one off isolated event. I myself recently had a go at trying to post carefully considered criticism on github, only to receive dismissive one-liners from more than one author.
I looked through your comment history on Github and the replies you received, but I didn't see anything rude or dismissive. If a comment slighted you please provide a link to me and I'll check it out and talk with the offending parties if needed.

Re: Coderbus Boogaloo Pt. II: Still Shitty

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2015 12:31 pm
by MisterPerson
Luke Cox wrote:Welp, in the span of one thread I've gone from being neutral on the coderbus issue to wanting to beat the shit out of them. The criticisms leveled at them regarding terrible communication and utter dismissal of the community have been completely validated in my eyes. Their attitude is utterly disgusting and even if you don't feel that the community needs to be worried. Responding to somebody who accuses you of communicating poorly with "lol go make your own code" is fucking unproductive and outright juvenile. The coderbus is collectively acting like an 8 year old who don't want anybody else playing with their toys, and quite frankly anybody who replied with the aforementioned comment should be fucking embarrassed. If that is the best you can muster, you don't belong in any position of authority.
ForcefulCJS is not "the community"

Re: Coderbus Boogaloo Pt. II: Still Shitty

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2015 12:36 pm
by Incomptinence
It is understood that Oldman is a singular person, yes. This many know and comprehend. The premise of one CJS is well established after debating his multiplicity earlier.

Re: Coderbus Boogaloo Pt. II: Still Shitty

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2015 12:42 pm
by MisterPerson
At this point, the only really relevant complaint left seems to be "I was mistreated on Github", which is a reasonable possibility. Does anyone have any specific stories they want to share in that regard?

Re: Coderbus Boogaloo Pt. II: Still Shitty

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2015 2:36 pm
by Oldman Robustin
Scones wrote:It's kind of sad that I can't be arsed to read this whole thread, because ForcefulCJS is just a more vitriolic dezzmont.

It's an open codebase that you are capable of contributing to. If people like the OP spent half the time they did writing these rants learning how to code for the game they seem so concerned about, things would not only be different but they would have a lot more room to complain.

I don't think specific incidents of "coder took liberties as a contributor/authority within the codebase" are reason to make extreme rage threads and then never try to fix the problem yourself

Why don't you guys just make and maintain your own fork at this point? Oldmanstation or whatever, you can PR all the balance changes you'd like, who knows, maybe you could convince MSO to swap to it.

Doing nothing but shitpost on the forums gives you almost no room to complain.
I spent a couple years learning Java/C++ a while back and BYOND doesn't seem that hard to learn, I would absolutely be open to learning some except we get to the lovely issues that started this thread.

I have no issues with contributing to coderbus. I have every issue with devoting a material amount of time and energy to learn BYOND code for the sole purpose of contributing here only to realize that the Headcoder, who has outright stated that he ignores everything that I post, and since Steelpoint has often taken my Feedback ideas and put them directly into PR's (which typically result in Cheridan shutting it down and waving his ban hammer around)... well it would be absurd to think I'd waste my time like that.
MisterPerson wrote: ForcefulCJS is not "the community"

We've been over this. My complaint is not "Cheridan closed my PR request by proxy, wah wah, he's a big meanie". It's that I advocated for changes on these forums, made several well thought-out arguments, garnered a consensus among the posters here, and then Cheridan doesn't just push back, he shuts down any hope of change with bans/threats/Github authority while simultaneously demonstration 0 fucking interest in what anyone here has to say. This neuters the effectiveness of this forum and creates another filter between the community and coders when you have to walk up to their front doorstep where Cheridan has absolute authority about what dialogue can take place, and essentially beg them to do something. This isn't an accident, this is the way that Cheridan has consolidated his power and he's more than happy to raise a giant middle finger to this forum as part of that process.

Re: Coderbus Boogaloo Pt. II: Still Shitty

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2015 4:07 pm
by Scott
Oldman Robustin wrote: I have no issues with contributing to coderbus. I have every issue with devoting a material amount of time and energy to learn BYOND code for the sole purpose of contributing here only to realize that the Headcoder, who has outright stated that he ignores everything that I post, and since Steelpoint has often taken my Feedback ideas and put them directly into PR's (which typically result in Cheridan shutting it down and waving his ban hammer around)... well it would be absurd to think I'd waste my time like that.
The doors are open to contribute, don't use the excuse of cheridan being stalin to not contribute. If you need any coding help you can get in coderbus and ask for it.